such a simple task

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When Jack entered his old room, the room they were staying in, and the shower water was still running. Which was odd because it had been a good 45 minutes to and hour since Jackie had come up, so he decided to go in and check on her.

"Jackie, are you okay?" He began knocking on the door, but once he got no answer he grew concerned, he opened the door to unveil his wife, laying on the soaking wet floor unconscious, with blood coming from the back of her head

"JACKIE!" He rushes to his wife, grabbing a white towel from the rack to help hold her head and to stop the bleeding, at this point the shower had overflowed and Jack and Jackie (who was in her robe) where both covered in water.

"Mother!, call 911!" Jack yelled from upstairs, causing Rose to run to her son

"John, why am I calling 911!" she said worry clear in her voice looking at the water all over the bedroom floor

Once she had seen her son crying with what looked like his dead wife in his arms she knew why she was calling, and needed to say no more as she dialed the number

Oh my, what happened?" Rose said starting to talk to the dispatcher on the other side

"I don't know, Jackie, Kid, can you hear me?, please Jackie, please open your eyes, please" Jack said crying while cradling Jackie's small, wet, limp body in his arms

At this point the towel was no longer white, but clearly red, and the bleeding was not stopping, Jackie was getting paler and paler by the minute and her breathing had suddenly become very shallow


"Jackie, hold on, please, there on there way!"

Suddenly you could hear the sirens enter the compound, and to be honest Jack took a breath, kinda like a sigh of relief

"There here Jackie, your going to be okay, and so is our child"

As all the Kennedy's watched as they attached anything they could to get Jackie to breath efficiently on her own. The paramedics loaded her up and started back down to the ambulance.

"Sir, please, stay back"

"Please she's pregnant, we just found out!" He said clearly upset

"Jackie, Kid, I'm need you, please fight, okay?, I love you" he whispered in Jackie's ear right before she was completely in the ambulance. All that was going through his mind was the absolute fact that Jackie hated hospitals.

The last glimpse of his wife he will never be able to get out of his head

Doctors prying open her mouth, and shoving a large plastic tube down her throat, because HIS WIFE just couldn't breathe on her own, such a simple task, she couldn't do without assistance from a PLASTIC TUBE. It made him an odd kind of angry.

As he watched the paramedics drive away with his wife, he just couldn't do it and right before he could hit the ground he had both brothers at his sides to hold him up

such a simple task.....

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