i won't

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October 23, 1979

Georgetown Memorial Hospital

Kate's PICU Room

"Jack you should go home, your a wreak"

'Haha that's funny, I'm WAY more than a wreak' he thought while looking at himself in the mirror

Kate still hadn't woken up, hadn't responded to the pacemaker yet, hadn't responded to anything for that matter. Doctors had told Jack to be "prepared", but he refused that this was the end. He looked back at Kate, who wore her brand new NIKE headband around her head. Near her head was a picture of Jackie, Jack thought if she woke up it would be comforting. The balloons from Uncle Bobby and Aunt Ethie where behind her, as where the ones from Matt. Then of course on the end of her bed laid one of the bears from Grammy and Pop-Pop. All the while her hand placed on her purple "Kennedy" comfort blanket. She looked peaceful, she looked like she was ready, oh but Jack wasn't.

Just as he was about to leave to go home and maybe sleep, one of the nurse burst into Kate's room.

"HOLD HER!" she yelled

"What?" Bobby asked looked greatly confused

"Remember you held her last time she woke up!"

"Yea I remember, let's do it then" Jack said sitting in one of the chairs, still looking pretty dazed

The doctors crowded into Kate's room as she was handed to Jack. Jack just sat and stared at his absolutely beautiful daughter. Tears came to his eyes after about 5 minutes of holding Kate with nothing happening.

"Mr. Kennedy...."

"No.... just let me hold my baby! LEAVE ME BE!"

All the doctors trailed out, as Jack held Kate closer to his chest.

"Hey, Katies you can go, be with mommy, daddy will be okay"

As the room grew colder Jack pulled Kate's blanket closer to her, keeping her warm. Tears were starting to stain his checks, as his eyes got redder.

"Katies?" Jack looked up to see Jackie

"Here Jackie, just take her and go" He said holding there daughter out to his deceased wife

"Jack, no, no, I won't, Jack what the hell happened?!"

"Jackie she's dieing, her heart is failing, she won't accept the new pacemaker, doctors say she'll finally meet you very soon" Jack spoke looking down onto his lifeless angel

Jackie walked over to her little girl that she watched take her first steps, say mama, all the many play dates and soccer games. She bent down onto Kate's level, put her hand on her still beating heart and spoke to her

"Hi Kate, it's mommy, I know your in lots of pain, that your little body just wants to give up and come see me, but we can't have that can we?"

Jack and Jackie watched as there daughter shook her head and opened her eyes to look as Jack.

Suddenly a nurse ran in, yelling at the doctors to come back, Jackie placed her hand on Kate's head and slowly disappeared.

Jack place Kate back in her bed, as her vitals started to come up. He couldn't help but smile as the doctors all rushed in, and saw all the jaws drop.

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