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August 16, 1963

8:00 p.m.

Kate's amazing vacation was great. Jack took her down to the water, and just like him she loved it. He savored every moments with his little girl.

Instead of going home alone Rose and Joe would be coming back to Washington with Kate and Jake. Because #1 Jack needed support through all this, and #2 Kate loved her grandparents.

Jack wanted one last night with his little girl before he called, he wanted to savor no chaos, he wanted to savor these moments with Kate. He wanted to rock her to sleep peacefully.

That night once Jack, Kate, Joe and Rose got off Air Force One they all headed back to the White House. Immediately Jake went and put Kate in her crib in his room, so that she would hopefully sleep soundly. But as he walked down to the room where his parents where staying he walked by the lavender nursery that Jackie had designed during her pregnancy for Kate. Kate has never slept in there once, Jackie hadn't even seen the whole nursery finished. It was beautiful, it even still had the sign on the door that read


It brought tears to his eyes standing there knowing that Jackie designed it, and Kate may never be able to sleep in it. He walked in and sat down in the grey rocking chair. He loved to sit and look at all the details that Jackie thought of, the mobile, the grey elephant that sat in her made crib, even the toys that she couldn't even play with in the corner. Jack slowly walked over to Kate's crib, picked up the grey elephant and hugged it tightly as he walked back to his room.

When he walked back in Kate was still fast asleep. He laid on Jackie's side of the bed and cried while holding the elephant close, soon his eyelids began to drop and just like that he was asleep.


As Rose walked into Jack's room she noticed that her son was still fully dressed and not even really "in" bed. Therefore she went over took his shoes off, covered him up, and kissed him goodnight. Just like old times

"Goodnight dear" she said turning the light off and closing the door behind her


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