a father's sacrifice

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August 26, 1964

The White House

9:45 p.m.

Jack was in pain mentally and emotionally. Kate still wasn't a HUGE fan of Jack like she was before, but she was warming up to him. But the fact that he couldn't bend over, pick her up or even rock her to sleep wasn't helping the daddy- daughter situation.

Jack sat in his room hearing his little girl screaming bloody murder, he couldn't do anything to help and that honestly pissed him off. Janet was trying so hard, and Jack appreciated her help but he hated listening to this every night for the past 2 1/2 weeks.

He finally decided he was going down there, he didn't care if he could hold her or not, but at least he could help. He walked into Kate's room and immediately for the first time in forever it seemed she cried out,

"Da-ddy!, Da-ddy!"

Janet sat there looking drained

"I'm so sorry John, did I wake you up?"

"Oh, no, I just heard that things weren't going well so I decided to see if I could come help."

"She wants you, and only you, Jack I don't know I've tried everything, I've even done things I did with the girls, nothing, I really don't know anymore."

With a grin on his face he dashed out of Kate's room, into his, and grabbed the straight chair that he could sit in with the cushion.

He placed it right next to Kate's crib, and looked at Janet

"Ok you CANNOT tell anyone what your going to see here tonight" he said sitting down in his stair, so extremely ready to hold Kate again

"Bring her to me"

Janet looked at Jack with a sense of confusion and and also relieve

"You have to be easy with daddy ok Kate?"

"E-as-yy grammy"

Once Jack finally held Kate in his arms, it was like a weight on his chest had finally dissolved.

"Will you please stand at the door to transport her from me to her crib?"

Janet nodded with a smile on her face

It only took kate about ten minutes to fall asleep, and once she did Janet came and tucked her in, as Jack struggled to make it back to his room.

Just holding Kate made him tired

Once he maneuvered into bed, he was out just as fast as Kate.

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