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Six months later

Matt sat on the grass of Hyannis with his three children. After a lot of consideration, he decided to leave the army to raise his kids, to be a full time dad.

"This is your mommy" Matt said pointing to the famous family picture from 1982

"That's mama?" Elizabeth asked eagerly

"Yea that's your mommy" Jack butt in

"Mama?" Josie asked confused

"Yea Josie, Mama was a hero she saved us all like Superman!" Jack Jr. shouted as he ran around with his arms like a superhero

"Who is that?" Elizabeth said pointing at Jackie's slim figure

"That's your gramma" Jack started to explain

"What was her name?" Jack Jr. was interested in learning about somebody new in the family

"Jackie, Elizabeth you were named after her"

"Oh yea! Her middle name is Lee like mine!" She was pretty excited about the similarities

"Daddy what's that?" Josie asked Matt, pointing to Jackie's cannula

"You know how you breathe every day?"

"Yea, thanks to mama"

"Right, she had to use that to breathe"

"She had lung problems, that's how she went to heaven" Jack added

"Papa, what's that next to mommy?" Jack Jr asked Jack Sr, even Matt didn't know so his eyes turned to Jack as well

Jack knew both his daughter and his wife where present, which made him smile brightly,

"I remember those days abruptly, she had just had a new tube placed after some more of her intestine died, Easter 1982 just after graduation, she had to use the walker to walk steadily by herself, because her muscles needed to build up again and her stomach was hurting her to an extreme, but she was bound and determined to get those family pictures"

"Both momma and gramma where superhero's!" Jack shouted for all to hear

Just as Jack Jr. finished, Grace called from inside, saying lunch was ready, therefore they all filed in one after the next

Jackie and Kate smiled as they looked down at the family sitting all around the table, happy and more importantly healthy

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