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March 7, 1988

Washington D.C

Kate woke up to the screams of Elizabeth from her bassist. Quickly she arose from her bed, rubbing her eyes, trying her best to wake up. Kate couldn't give her a bottle like she wanted, therefore she placed her paci in her mouth and listened as she cried and screamed through it. Elizabeth continued to scream as Kate got her ready, but the minute she was placed in her car seat she was out like a light. Leaving Kate a short window of time to get ready and get to the appointment, hopefully on time. She raced through her house getting ready, grabbing her coat on the way out. Slowly she walked out into the Washington snow, and buckled Liza into the car, adjusting her mirror, so that Kate could see her at all times through the ride.

Surprisingly the ride was quiet, she slept the entire time. As Kate signed all the many papers she wondered how her father had done it so many years ago. She peeked into the car seat that was covered in a thick blanket with Elizabeth's name on the corner, to see her still fast asleep. Kate still couldn't believe she had a daughter, a daughter that was beautiful, and one that she and her husband would raise together. Whether she was healthy or not, she was still her little girl and she would love her unconditionally no matter what.

Liza was not okay with nurses poking her with needles from every direction, she had lost sight of Kate and screamed as pain over took her legs. Once they cleared away Kate quickly swooped in to save the day, picking her up and walking around the room to calm her down.

Now it was time to sit and wait, for any results, good or bad

She had tried her best to prepare the worst, but if course she hoped and prayed for the best. Kate rocked little Liza when he pediatrician walked into the room, to be honest his face wasn't promising.

"Actually Kate, it's not as bad as we thought it would be"

Inside Kate took a breath, hoping that whatever was placed in front of her she could deal with

"Her stomach, lungs, and heart are perfectly healthy, no signs of cancer or diabetes"

Kate's heart sank as she went through her head of what was left after all that was eliminated

"But" he paused for too long

"She definitely has addisons, absolutely no doubt" 

She looked at the sweet, small girl that laid in her car seat, thinking of her father, not listening to the doctor. Once she looked up he was gone

"Hope none of that was important" she whispered while covering her daughter's car seat up with her blanket and walking out of the appointment

On the way home Kate couldn't help but cry, like her father always told her 'things could be so much worse', but she just couldn't believe that part of 'the worse' was happening to her. She was practically a single mother, and now her little bundle of joy was diagnosed with the disease that caused her father pain almost everyday. And because of the fact that Kate had a small amount of it in her blood too, her addisons was more severe than her fathers. When she wouldn't stop crying, and nothing would help, it was because she was in pain and Kate couldn't fix it.

Elizabeth was fussy for the rest of the day, going in between naps and awake. Of course now that she knew her diagnosis she had no idea what she fussing was for, whether it was she was in pain, or if the shots that where administered before they left. But finally as 9:00 rolled around Kate was putting Elizabeth down in her bassist for the night. She quietly left the room, and sat on the couch near her bedroom, she clicked the first contact in her phone, hoping someone would pick up. After a couple of rings Kate began to cry, thinking about how her day had gone.

"Hello?" An un-familiar voice came to the phone

"Grace, um I-is daddy awake?"

"I don't know, I think so. I'll go check, stay on the line" Grace knocked on his door and got an answer

"It's Kate" she said handing the phone to Jack

"Kate?" He already knew something was wrong

"Daddy, it's u-mm" she couldn't even get it fully out


"She's got Addisons Daddy"

Jack wanted to scream and curse for his daughter right there, but instead started crying rapidly. Leaving both father and daughter crying together

"This is my fault katie, I'm so so sorry"

"Daddy! DO NOT EVER say that!"

"I love you katie, so much, I promise it will get better, one hospital visit by another"

"Thank you daddy, I love you, I promise I'll call you tomorrow"

"Okay sweetie, goodnight" he blew a kiss into the phone, and the conversation was over

sorry abrupt ending, I couldn't figure out a way to keep it going.. lol🤷🏻‍♀️

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