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October 6, 1992

Washington D.C

The Hayes' family morning routines had been going, everybody knew what they had to do, and they got it done.

Kate looked down at her watch, while making breakfast, Josie on her hip. It was past 8:15 and Elizabeth had not come down for Kate to do her hair.

By 8:30, Jack Jr. had woken up, and Matt was helping him eat at the table, with Jack feeding Josie at the head.

Kate grew worried as she climbed the stairs, and into Liza's room, clearly she was still fast asleep

"Elizabeth it's time to get up!" Kate switched on the light to see her daughter's face an unpleasant shade of green

'Did I press the wrong button on the pump this morning?' Kate thought as she lifted Elizabeth's pajama top

Instead of putting cortisol into her body like the pump always did, it was drawing back reddish puss. She immediately felt Elizabeth, and knew exactly what was wrong. She jerked her daughter up out of bed, and ran down the stairs.

"GET THE KEYS! DADDY WATCH JACK!" Kate ran out to the car in her scrubs, Matt still in his pajamas

Once they pulled into the children's ER, Kate ran in, being met by one of her colleagues at the door

"Suspected tube infection, thready pulse, going in and out, Elizabeth Hayes!" She said putting her daughter on the stretcher and pulled it fast into a trauma bay

"Kate you can't work on her, she's FAMILY!"

"To hell I can't! shot an epi fast!"

Once she actually was stable enough Kate followed her up to the PICU, Matt trailing slowly. At this point death was a huge possibility, she was on life support, and they didn't know if the infection had spread, but because of the late catch and the fact that she wasn't waking up at all they had small hope.

"She was fine last night, running around with my dad" she whispered to one of her colleagues who was on Liza's medical team

"It strikes fast, and kills" she walked out of the room, leaving Kate with her daughter in the ICU

Matt hovered over Elizabeth. Kate knew as a doctor this would be hell, and it would take long for her to recover from this.

Elizabeth's bones where starting to deteriorate, oxygen had been cut off to her brain for almost 7 minutes, she now really only relied on her ventilator and her abundant medicines that went rapidly through her veins.

Kate cried as Matt hugged his wife tight

How had her dad done this?

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