make it count

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Jack was distraught, he couldn't lose Kate too, especially right now.

He walked out of the room, grabbed Kate, and went up to his old room, crying all the way

"JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY, GET BACK DOWN HERE NOW" his mother yelled as he booked it up stairs, guess nobody saw that he was crying

Soon Bobby came out of the room as well, looking like he had been crying.

"I really wouldn't bother" he said pointing slightly to the stairs Jack had just blown

"Bull, I'm going up there to get him" Rose said getting up from the table


But before he could say anything Rose was already at the top of the stairs.

"What do you think your doing leaving the dinner table?" Rose said banging on the door

All of Jack's siblings, all except Bobby, where laughing now.

"I'm really not hungry mom" Jack said sniffling

"Jack?" Now she was trying to open the door, but it locked behind Jack when he came up

"Wait, is there something wrong?"

"Jack please open the door"

Suddenly Rose heard Jack fiddling with the door. She opened it to unveil her son, red eyes and extremely upset

"Mom, Kate has a murmur"


"Kate, she has a heart murmur"

"She's so young"

"Yes I know mom, they want to do surgery as soon as possible, but I'm going to make this vacation worth it, because I may never get another one with her" he said big tears coming down

"Jack, dear I'm so sorry" she said outstretching her arms to her son

After the two cried for a good ten minutes, Joe began to get angry. He barreled up the stairs to see his wife and son in tears

"What happened?"

"Kate has a murmur" Jack said crying again

"This may be her last vacation"

"Well then" Joe said picking up Kate, and her giggling

"Let's make it count"

As Jack started to stop crying he decided to go back downstairs, eyes still red from crying. Because one he was hungry and two he had to tell the family.

He stumbled down the stairs and back to the table. Everyone and everything seemed to quiet.

"Kate has a murmur, so we are going to hold her and make maybe her last vacation count, Alright?"

All Jack's siblings immediately shock there heads, and looked at Kate who was still pretty giggly.

That night the air was happy, and as Kate went to bed jack brought her around to everybody

Joe- "Ah, goodnight my girl"
Rose- "I sure do love you, Kate" and she kissed Kate on the cheek
Eunice- "you really are so cute, I love you so much katie"
Pat- "I agree with Eunice your adorable, bet you can get away with anything with old dude up there" Pat said looking at Jack "Joking, joking I love both of you"
Jean- "You diffidently got your looks from your mother, because man you are adorable"
Teddy- "alright kid we all know I'm your favorite"
Bobby- "oh yea in your dreams" Bobby said stealing Kate and swinging her around making her laugh
"alright kid, your not so bad, I love you"

That night Jack rocked Kate to sleep, holding her for a little longer than usual. He gently laid her down into her bassist, causing her to stir a little bit

"Better get to sleep, got a big weekend ahead"

He went to take a shower, and just from the turn of the doorknob, he was sent back. Jack opened the door, to see to his surprise a very light pink color on the tile. It took him a minute to realize what it was but when he did, he decided maybe he wouldn't take a shower, at least not in here, Jackie's blood, from her head, when she fell. He noticed the water damage to the carpet, but he was just trying to ignore it. With that he changed into his pajamas, and turned the bathroom lights off, closing the door behind him. And going to get in bed.

He knew that Jackie was here

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