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October 13, 1992

Georgetown Memorial Hospital

Kate walked back into her daughter's decorated PICU room, like she did every morning, with her coffee in her hand.

On the sliding door, was a banner that the nurses made which said,

"Sweet Elizabeth"

With the sky blue addisons ribbons on either side. Once you walked in, of course you saw Elizabeth, eyes closed most of the time. She had her comfort item, her quilt that used to be Jackie's that was passed down from Kate to Liza that Kate had had 'Liza Lee' sewn on it in teal to match the color scheme. On the head of the bed was all her many balloons from all over, and a sign that read

"I'm Elizabeth, I'm six and a half, I have addisons so please no pokes in my IV arm, thank you!"

In a pretty font that the nurses had put up. Elizabeth looked peaceful, at the moment she had on a hospital gown opened wide to the front for access to her abdomen, and her ballerina pajama pants, with a bright pink bow in her French braid that was currently draped along a pillow that had her initials on it in purple.

Elizabeth woke up for a couple of minutes a day, but she just looked around and cried. Which was a relief for doctors, who never thought she would never do that again. Jack had come in with the huge mask that you had to wear when you came into the room, of course he still treated Elizabeth like his older sister, but he was oh so gentle when he tried to touch her. He would give her blocks, that she could still grip, and Kate would help her by building up the tower with that block. No matter what he would love his sister unconditionally, and treat her like anybody else.

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