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August 1, 1963

Georgetown Memorial Hospital

10:00 a.m.

Jack stayed with the baby all night, well held her all night. He didn't want to let her go, he found comfort holding her close, knowing that this baby was his and Jackie's. She already seemed to be close to her daddy, she barely cried all night. Which amazed the NICU nurses.

Her doctor came around that morning, and gave the okay to go, giving Jack an appointment date for her to make sure the murmur hasn't gotten worse. As he got her dressed to go home a nurse walked in.

"Mr. Kennedy we still need a name for her" she said holding the baby's birth certificate in her hands

"Jacqueline Kate Kennedy" He said looking back down at the beautiful little girl staring back at him

"Thank you sir, I'm deeply sorry for your loss"

"Thank you"


Kate didn't like her car seat, so when Jack started to strap her in, she screamed

"Well your lungs work just fine, don't they?" Jack said holding the little girl in the air

He started rocking her, and before he knew it, Kate was fast asleep

Jack gently placed Kate in her car seat, putting her purple name blanket on over her, and he walked out of the room, with his daughter in his hands. He had secret service agents all around him, which left him to assume that there were reporters outside. He sighed heavily and held onto Kate's car seat a little tighter. Jack exited the hospital and heard about a million questions from everywhere

"What's your daughter's name?" One yelled in which he replied,

"Jacqueline Kate"

"That's a very beautiful name"

"Thank you"

"Where so sorry for your loss"

Honestly Jack was surprised to see that the pathway to there car had suddenly cleared, and all the reporters stepped back.

"Thank you" he replied looking down

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