her face

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May 15, 1982

Georgetown Memorial Hospital

Jack hadn't seen his daughter in three days.

Today Bobby promised to try and face time (not timely correct) so he could see her face and talk to her, even though she wouldn't answer. She was supposed to go into surgery today, and he wanted to be able to say he loved her and that she was going to be okay, plus he needed horribly to see her sweet face

Before he got to caught into himself, his phone started ringing. He picked it up and saw a picture of his brother.

The screen started just showing all the machines surrounding her, Bobby briefly started to explain everything

"That one is the ventilator, this one is keeping her pacemaker working, these two poles are just medicines going into her two IVS in her hands, those over there are her feeds that are going through her nose now, umm" he said pointing out every machine

"Don't forget all the monitors that are on her chest and back" You could hear Ethel say in the background

"Oh yea, the ones on her chest are keeping up with heart rhythms, those go to that machine, the ones on her back make sure she's not moving too much, those go up behind her head and into the wall, I know you would rather me show her instead of me talking, but.." he said turning the camera around so that you could see Bobby's face

"But what?"

"Jack its bad, you can't really see her face, her eyes are taped shut, there's a huge monitor/ sticker thing on her forehead, then of course there's her feeding and breathing tubes" he said turning the camera to look at Kate

"Oh my girl.." he said trying not to cry and failing

"There taking her from us at 9" Bobby said trying not to ruin the moment

"I've told you this so many times, and I think it's horrible, but go see mama she'll be so happy to see you Katies, god Kate I love you, Matt called yesterday he cried and cried over you, they won't let him see you and just like me he's breaking down, falling apart. He loves you so much Kate, and so do I, and gramma, grammy, grampy, everybody. I'm not trying to give you mixed feelings about this, I'm just trying to say that if you do go, you'll be missed by so many people. I love you too much Jacqueline Kate Kennedy, and I'll never EVER stop loving you, I believe that you can pull through, and for motivation I'll be waiting when you wake up I promise" Jack heard a door close and the bed unlock

"I love you so much!" He yelled when the phone went black, as they wheeled her away

He hugged the phone before wheeling back to his room to get dressed for when Bobby came and got him later, so he could hopefully see Kate when her beautiful brown eyes opened again

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