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December 7, 1971

Kate's Winter Championship

After making the winning goal for her team, Kate hurried off the field and into the arms of her father.

"Daddy! Did you see me?"

"Of course I did!" He said picking her up and putting her on his shoulders

He carried her on through the crowd to except the trophy, and you could tell that Kate and her whole team where absolutely ecstatic. Jack let her down as she ran to take a picture with her team for the paper. As she and Jack where walking back to the car, Matt came running


"Matt?" She said turning around to see her best friend

"I saw that goal it was amazing!" He said as the two hugged tightly

Matt had quit soccer a couple years ago, he now played football. But they were always at each other's games, considering the football field was only a couple hundred feet from the soccer field.

"I heard you made a pretty great touchdown!"

Jack watched as the two talked and talked to each other, he wasn't going to break up there conversation, he always enjoyed seeing Kate and Matt grow as friends.


"Oh, that's my dad, bye Kate, bye Mr. Kennedy!" He said waving as he ran

Both stood together waving at Matt. Jack quickly started to hold Kate's hand as they walked back to the car, but to his surprise she yanked her hand from his. Then when they got into the car Kate sat in the back, which she never does, she always likes to control the radio, and talk to Jack as he drives. Something was up.

As they drove up to there Washington home, which was plenty big for the both of them, Kate bolted. Jack took his time getting out, he just figured Kate was going through that thing that his sisters did, you know not wanting to be daddy's little girl anymore.

As he walked into his front door, he saw Kate's muddy cleat marks all over the wood tile.

"Kate what have I told you about taking your cleats off, and putting them in the laundry room so I can clean them?!" Jack yelled climbing the stairs, following the mud marks.

As he approached his daughter's door, he heard the almost silent sobs of Kate. He didn't know if he should go in, or just leave her be, but he knew that this wasn't just because she didn't wanna be his little girl anymore.

"Katie Kate?"

More crying

"It's daddy, can I come in?"

"No, please go away daddy!" Jack was pleasantly surprised at her politeness

'Not the point John! Stay on track!' He thought to himself

He slowly opened her bedroom door, and immediately knew it had to do with moms, mothers, something, because there on the floor was a photo frame shattered, and a picture of Jackie on the floor with the glass. Her tears where angry tears.

Quickly Kate got down on the floor to clean up her mess

"Daddy, I'm sorry, I was angr- "

Jack scooped her up and held her tightly

"I know, I know, Kate it's hard, but this wouldn't just come up, what happened honey?" He asked as she raised her head

"Th-e mommy- dau-ghter tea i-s Tuesday" She stumbled through her sentence

Jack always dreaded these days when Kate wouldn't be able to do things because she had no mom.

"Tell you what"

He said sitting her down on her bed and kneeling on the floor.

"Jacqueline Kate, will you go to the tea with me?"

"Oh, daddy!" She said as she shook her head vigorously


Kate smoothed over Jack's hair as he held her on his hip as they walked into the school's front door.

"Mr. Kennedy" the secretary smiled brightly writing

Kate's Daddy

On his name tag, she handed it to Kate. Jack quickly put her down and got down on her level for her to put it on him. The two held hands as they walked to one of the tables.

After the tea the two skipped out, as Jack held Kate's sun hat, to the car. Where Jack helped Kate in and closed the door. On the way home they listened to Kate's favorites, Jack just love to hear her blurt the lyrics like nobody was watching, she was still so innocent and carefree. Once Jack realized the car had gone quite, he looked in his mirror to see his daughter fast asleep.

Once the car was in park, Jack gently picked her up and carried her up to her room.

"Night- Night Kate" He said as he turned her light off

As soon as Jack closed her door, his face dropped like it always did, when Kate wasn't watching. He trudged down the stairs, grabbed the whisky from the cabinet, poured a glass and downed it quickly, he did this every night after Kate fell asleep. Maybe he was depressed.

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