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After her appointment Jackie hurried across the White House to tell Jack the great news. She had thought about doing it later on into the evening, but she just couldn't wait. Upon talking to the secret service outside, she began to walk into the oval.

"Again, congratulations Mrs. Kennedy"

"Thank you" Jackie resighted quickly before walking in

"Well someone looks like they feel better"

"I do, Jack" She said smiling wide

"Jackie, why are you so happy? This morning you were puking your guts out and now your just the jolly green giant, happy as can be"

"Jack I have wonderful news"

"And what might that be?" Jack said signing a paper on his desk

"Jack, I'm pregnant!"


"Jack? please say something, I thought you would be excited"

"Oh Jackie" Jack said getting up and walking around his desk

"We're going to be parents" he whispered as he kissed Jackie

"I was thinking about telling the family soon, do you think we could go out to Hyannis this weekend?"

"I think I could manage that" Jack said smiling at is wife

Suddenly Jack's desk phone started ringing, and with that Jackie mouthed "I love you" and left the oval. She headed back up to her room to inform most likely the hardest person to tell, her mother.

"Jacqueline, hello!"

"Hello mother, how are you?"

"Well, I guess I'm fine how about you honey?"

"I have some news" she just wanted to get this call over with

"What might that be?"

"Mother I'm pregnant"

"Jacqueline Lee, are you out of your mind?"

"No, no, I'm not"

"With that man, I am ashamed of you!"

"He is a good man mother"

"To hell with that, children will ruin you, your not cut out to be a mother!"

"I'll never be good enough for you!" she yelled as she hung up the phone, you could clearly hear how upset she was in her voice.

As Jackie began to sob, she heard a door close.

"Kid, hey, are you alright?"

Quickly Jackie dried her tears and turned around.

"Oh, bunny, yes I'm fine"

"Mrs. Kennedy dinner is ready downstairs whenever your ready" A cook informed her from the other side of her door

"Thank you" She replied, quickly starting to walk to the door

"Jackie wai-"

"Dinner Jack, let's go"

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