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December 25, 1964

7:30 a.m.

The White House

"Da-ddy! Da-ddy! Da-ddy!" Kate yelled as Jack heard the little pitter- patter of her feet running down the hall. Jack had asked Nanny Shaw to get Kate up, since he had had a long night of wrapping and getting everything together for Christmas morning. This was Kate's first Christmas they actually celebrated, last year was just too hard for Jack, on top of Kate being sickly, he just couldn't do it.

Kate burst into Jack's room, wearing her Christmas nightgown, jumping onto his bed and into his arms.

"Well, good morning Katie Kate"

"Moning da-ddy"

"Wanna go downstairs?" Jack asked as Kate shock her head

"Okay lead the way" he said putting Kate down, and watching her take off

He smiled, and started to follow Kate downstairs, into the kitchen.

The two ate breakfast together, waffles of course, and after cleaning up all the syrup off Kate's face. Jack followed as she dashed into the main room, and started tearing into presents.

Which included lots of new outfits from gramma, bows, headbands and a new rag doll from daddy. Once Kate had ripped into all of the presents, Jack found one present under the tree that looked unfamiliar. He went to read the the tag, and tears came to his eyes

"To Kate"
"From Mommy"

"Hey Kate, you wanna open this one?" Jack asked handing the present to Kate who immediately tore into it

"Da-ddy dolly!"

Jack looked back down at the new cloth doll, that looked so much like Jackie it was unbelievable. And around the dolls neck was a necklace that said Kate's name, but it looked oddly familiar. It took him a minute to realize what it was, until he looked up on the wall at one of Jackie's signature pictures, he looked back at the necklace and realized, it was in her cursive writing. It was absolutely beautiful.

"Da-ddy, put on peas?" Kate said holding her necklace out to Jack who hooked the necklace around his daughter's neck.


Later that day Janet and Lee joined Kate and Jack at the White House. They had dinner together and just as the two were about to leave Janet had something for Kate.

Kate opened the Christmas gift-bag quickly, to reveal a riding uniform and a old looking horse toy.

Janet looked up at Jack who looked so confused

"It was Jacqueline's when she was around Kate's age, I found them in the attic the other day I thought that were perfect for her."

Kate ran up the stairs, quickly put the whole outfit on, and dashed back downstairs

"Da-ddy, grammy, look!" She said as she spun around with the navy riding coat on, it fit her perfectly.

Tears came to Janet's eyes as she held her arms out to Kate, who now held her doll.

"You look just like your mommy, katies" Lee said looking at her doll


"Yes Kate?"

"Help wif bedtime?"

"Sure Kate lets go up to your room"

Once Kate was all tucked into bed Janet kissed her head and started to leave.

"Goodnight Jacq- I mean Kate"

"Night- night Grammy"

"I love you"

"I wuv you too"

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