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October 2, 1993

Hyannis Port

Elizabeth ran along side her papa, down the beaches of Hyannis. Matt was building sandcastles with Jack, and Kate watched as Josie played on her blanket beneath her feet.

Josephine Lori Hayes, was born almost a year ago, to be specific November 22, 1992.

It was hard to think that she had a six, four, and almost one year old.

Elizabeth played soccer like her mother, loved to dance and of course still adored papa. Jack was fast, super fast, he loved to play football with his uncles and cousins and he absolutely loved "his Bobby". Kate could tell that Josie would be her energetic, athletic kinda girl, she was excited to see what her daughter would end up doing in the future

Right now the family was happy, and surprisingly healthy (enough). Elizabeth had defied the odds, and ran around like a normal six year old girl would.

"Papa, count my pirouettes!"

Elizabeth started to turn and turn in the sand, kicking sand up. Once she finished she looked to her papa

"7, great job Liza!"

That night after dinner Kate sat in front of her father,

"Daddy, we wanna fly you back out to Washington, we have a lot going on and the kids want you there"

"Kate, I would absolutely love that! What are we looking at doing?"

"Elizabeth wants you to dance in her grandparents night with her, Jack has a history fair he wants you to attend plus his football games, and let's just face it Josie just wants you to come, she absolutely adores you"

"Alright, it will be good to get out of Hyannis for once"

"We've cleaned out you your old room downstairs, and it's ready for you"

"When do we leave?"


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