are you sure?

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April 2, 1972

Hyannis Port

7:30 a.m.

Jack didn't sleep at all that night, he had the worst case scenario set in his head, and was extremely paranoid. It wasn't till' maybe 5:00 that he finally couldn't take it anymore and drifted to sleep with Kate in his arms.

At 7, Rose burst into the room

"John Fitzgerald Kennedy, What on earth do you think your doing?" She stormed in yelling, Kate starting to cry like she did when she was younger

"Mom, what the hell?!" He yelled rocking Kate as she seemed to try to get the mask off

"No Kate, you can't take that off" he said putting the mask back on her and rocking her back and forth in his arms

"Why on earth are you not ready for Mass?!" She yelled again

This made Jack furious

"You think I can just leave my EIGHT year old daughter here by herself, MOTHER she is DANGEROUSLY sick, not 'I have and cold cough cough sick', mom she has contracted something, that could make her pacemaker completely shut down, my little girl could DIE, and YOU DON'T EVEN CARE!"

"John... I-I didn't know..."

"Well now you do, I really think it's best for me and Kate to go back home, back in her bed, I'm going to ask dad for the jet, I'll be gone after mass"


"No, I'll get out of your hair, BY ALL MEANS, I will take my dieing little girl home, were she's not being yelled at"

All Rose could do was stand there, soon it grew awkward and she left.

Quickly Jack packed up everything and was walking downstairs right as everyone was leaving for mass.

"Jack where are you going?" Teddy asked as Bobby was walked in

"I'm taking Kate home, where she will be comfy and where her pediatrician and cardiologist are, I think it's for the best we are leaving as soon as they get the jet ready"

"Daddy?" Christopher walked in looking for Bobby

"....Chris....." Bobby said trying to not let Chris see one of his best friends in this state

"KATE!" Chris yelled running to her quickly

"Uncle Jack, I thought you said she was going to be okay?"

"She will son, we were just talking about that" he said taking his hand and walking to the door

"Wait!" He said turning around

He ran back to Kate's side and kissed her forehead

"Bye Kate, love you"

He quickly walked back to his father who walked him out.

"Jack are you sure?" Bobby asked

"Absolutely, I'll take her to see her best friend, they will watch cartoons and she'll be happy to be home"

"Jack are you sure this is just because Kate wants to go home?"

"Yes" he answered quickly

He got a signal from the door that the jet was ready

"Bye Ted, bye Bobby" he said slipping past them and through the family room.

"Jack where are you goin'?" Pat yelled

"Yea, wait what about Kate?" Jean asked looking at the family

"He's leaving" both Rose and Joe spoke

As he boarded the jet with his daughter in his arms, he thought about the memories he had with her. Her first surgery, Walking to mass and holding her doll for her, her first soccer game, and last but not least the mommy-daughter tea, all these sweet memories put a great smile on his face.

But as he sat down he was brought back to reality. Jack just couldn't wait to get home, to do all her favorite things, and to hold her close.

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