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August 21, 1985

Washington D.C

Today was the day, the day which Jack would give his little girl away.

Matt was being deployed in September most likely, so this was there last chance.

Kate looked absolutely beautiful in her dress and had a while bridal part behind her. Which included Janet, Lee,
Rose, Ethel, Jean, Joan, Eunice, Pat, and a couple of her girl friends

Before the wedding began, pictures where taken. In which Kate held a photo-frame of her mother.

Kate held Jack's hand as Bobby wheeled him beside her down the aisle. This wasn't how she imagined everything would turn out, but she was incredibly happy and grateful for what she had.

Once they got to the front of the church they stopped and Kate looked down to see her father, tears streaming down his face.

He didn't care that Kennedy's didn't cry

"Who gives this women to this man?"

In which Jack replied,

"Her mother and I do"

Kate bent down and kissed her father

"I love you daddy" she whispered as she joined Matt and Bobby wheeled him to his seat next to him.

The ceremony was beautiful, Jack cried an unbelievable amount.

And the next week Kate went back to classes, Jack went back to Hyannis, and Matt prepared for deployment.

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