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May 31, 1989

Hyannis Port

It was about 3:00 a.m. when the house phone started to go crazy. After probably about 6-7 times calling, Grace finally stumbled out of bed to answer the it, being pretty dazed as she walked through the house

"Mr. Kennedy?"

"This is Grace, could I give him a message?"

"It's Kate, she's gone into labor almost two months early, both are at risk, Kate needs him here, we need him here if we..." the line went silent

"You know." Grace didn't need explanation immediately she sprung into action running to Jack's room quickly, of course Jack was wide awake reading

"It's Kate, we've got to go now, the jet is being prepared"

It didn't take maybe 10 minutes for Jack to be getting into his wheel chair, and making his way to the car, practically waiting for Grace.

Jack just stared out the window of the jet the entire flight and on the way to Georgetown. Grace refused to tell him anything, so he was completely in the dark. He wheeled himself into the hospital, trying to look independent. Some spotting Matt and Janet.

"Matt what the hell happened?" He asked locking the wheelchair in place

"I-I don't know it was all a blur, she complained of pain all night, then she started to bleed, and when we got here she was barely awake, she wouldn't talk to me, the next thing I know they said they were taking him, and she's taken from me"

A doctor past through the double doors, to talk to the family.

"I assume your mr. Kennedy?" He said talking to Jack

"Yes I am, thank you" the two exchanged handshakes

"How's my wife" Matt butt in

"Baby J is doing as well as he can as a premie"

"That's not what I asked" Matt began to get incredibly angry

"Kate is still at a very high risk, she lost too much blood, I'm hoping for the best, but expect the worst" at that moment a bed was rolled by that had Kate's now small and pale body in it, quickly Jack followed as Matt continued to talk to the doctor about Kate

They made Jack wait till the bed was locked and everything was set up around Kate. Jack had seen her in worst condition, but he always hated when this would happen. He sat and watched as someone else's blood filled her body, saving her life, honestly it was hard for him to grasp, but he just sat there for hours on end. Matt had come and gone, to take care of Liza, according to Lori (Matt's mother) she had already had way too many pass out attempts, and he figured that Kate would put her children before herself, therefore he had left hours ago. Grace had tried and tried to get Jack to go to a hotel for the night but all her attempts failed miserably.

Around 12 the next afternoon, Kate woke up, of course she was only worried about her baby. And finally Jack was relieved around 4 which meant he could finally go to sleep.

The next couple days where rough, for ALL parties. Jack hurts so incredibly bad, Liza was truly struggling health wise like her papa, Kate was still in pain from everything, Baby J was holding on and fighting, and on top of everything Matt got word that he was being deployed again earlier than he thought, like the end of June earlier. But after four days, Bobby and Ethel finally made it to the hospital, after all the delays and cancellations, they made it. Today everybody was at the hospital, Kate knew today was the day that everybody would meet him, and learn his full name. Kate walked down to the nursery with assistance from Matt. A chair had already been moved to the window so that the family could see his face, slowly but surely Kate held her 4 pound 8 oz little boy. A nurse held a sign near his head that read,

"Jack Francis Hayes"

Bobby looked at the little boy with crocodile tears in his eyes, that he tried to keep back. He looked up at Kate who mouthed,

"We love you Uncle Bobby"

After a week in the hospital Kate was released and told to stay at home and rest, Liza needed her more than ever at this point. And after almost a month in the PICU, Jack was finally able to go home after he reached 5 pounds 3 oz.

Now Kate had to figure out how to deal with two special needs children under two, and fast

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