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July 20, 1991

Washington D.C

Kate couldn't believe that A. She was almost 28, And that B. Her husband was fast asleep in his rightful place in there bed, beside her. She couldn't sleep the entire night, because she just sat like a stalker staring at her husband that she hadn't seen in over six months.

He had come home late that night when all the kids where asleep, so he would wake the two up in the morning and help with the family's daily routine.

Before she knew it, the alarm was beeping rapidly. She turned to Matt who was wide awake

"Good Morning"

"Good morning"

"What's first?" Matt said eagerly climbing out of there beds

"To Elizabeth's room, I'll explain when we get there"
They walked hand in hand down the hall to the teal door hanger that read "Elizabeth Lee"

"Alright so on an ordinary morning I come in and turn on her pump so she can function by 8, and I go ahead pick her uniform out for the day, pack her backpack, find her black Mary Janes, lay everything out. She'll wake up get herself dressed, buckle her shoes, grab her backpack, and come down to me to do something to her hair for the day"

"Ok, I'll get her uniform you mess with the pump" the game plan was set out as the two parents walked into there oldest's room

Kate turned her pump on, you could hear it start running, she joined her husband on the other side of the room walking comfortably around Liza's room

"Aren't you scared where going to wake her up?" he said looking for his daughter's shoes

"By the dresser, and no she's such a hard sleeper she has no idea where even in here"

Once everything was set, Kate safely closed the door behind her

"Now usually I'll go and check on Jack, if you want you can go ahead and do that"

Matt walked a couple doors down, and peeked into his sons bedroom to see him still fast asleep in his grey crib

"Still fast asleep" Matt said turning around to Kate

"Most of the time he is, now we make breakfast, pancakes most of the time"

The couple together made pancakes, and within minutes of them being done..


Kate looked at Matt with wide eyes

"Hide!" He hid under the table and when Elizabeth came down with the brush in her hand she screamed as Matt jumped up

"Daddy!" Liza quickly ran into his arms

"Liza, I missed you, your such a big girl now, miss kindergartener!"

Matt put Elizabeth in her booster seat and the went to check on Jack upstairs, the minute he went to open the door Jack screamed for Kate. Slowly Matt opened the door to reveal his son

"Hey buddy!"


Matt started to get Jack dressed and by the time he was zipping up his coat, Kate was yelling for them. So the two boys ran down the stairs and into the cold morning.

At the request of Elizabeth, Matt walked her into the building and to her classroom. Once he got back, Jack was content looking up at his movie.

"Now that I don't do night shifts anymore, Jack goes to daycare every day, around 9:15 to give me time to get ready for my day without him on my hip. But.... I'm not saying that you can't keep him.."

"Jack, guess what?" He took his headphones off to speak to his daddy


"No more daycare for awhile!" You could clearly tell that Jack was excited as he skipped all the way back into the house unlike any other day

Kate hurried to get ready and just like that she was kissing her husband and walking out the door, leaving her son and her husband alone for the first time in forever.

Throughout the day Kate got random messages from Matt

"What's Jack's favorite food?"

"What does he like to watch?"

"How does he like to be held, before he goes to sleep?"

"Okay, Yea he's out like a light"

"Just woke up, going good so far"

"About to go get Elizabeth"

"Where home, helping Elizabeth with her numbers"

"What do you want for dinner?"

Kate replied to every message happily, explaining there youngest to his father.

"Jack likes macaroni, some in the pantry, he doesn't really watch tv, but he loves his blocks, usually he falls asleep by himself, just put him in his crib"

And I response to the last message

"Are you going to make me dinner?"

Sure enough when she walked into her Washington home, in her disgusting scrubs, she was meet by her husband who already had dinner ready, table set and everything. Of course it was "Kate friendly" which included things that Kate would eat, and could keep down, but she was still happy with her husband and her kids.

It was a Friday night, which meant bath night for both kids, but tonight Kate had reinforcements. Kate left Matt with Elizabeth, and she took on Jack, who didn't exactly like baths.

After both where clean and in the pajamas, the four cuddled up in mommy and daddy's bed, watching Kate's favorite, Matilda.

And sure enough within twenty minutes into the movie all four where deep into sleep.

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