super mom

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February 22, 1993

Washington D.C

Kate really was the definition of super mom.

Every morning she would tend to her wheelchair bound daughter, feed two other mouths, and then manage to get all three into the car before 7:50 to be at the older kid's school at 8:15. Quickly she would unload Elizabeth's wheelchair, watch as Josh pushed her into the building, then rush to Jack and Josie to day care. All to get to work hopefully before shift change at 9. Then of course there was physical therapy and dance for Elizabeth, bitty ball for Jack, and Josie was just along for the ride.

This morning was like every other morning.

Kate fastened Josie's seatbelt first. Then she went on to Elizabeth, adjusting her medical cover to were it can be seen at all times, at the moment it read,

"ELH/ has severe addisons, mostly bound to a wheelchair so if in accident she may not be able to move or respond to yelling"

It was already 8:30 and Kate was rushing. The kids were already late, but maybe if she hurried she could make it right at shift change. Keep in mind it was February in Washington, it was cold, and honestly Kate wasn't properly dressed at all.

She could see the huge patch of ice ahead, but she was confident that she could control the van long enough to clear the path. However that was not the case, the moment she hit the ice, she over corrected sending the whole van into the ditch with Kate and all three of her kids in it.

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