graduation gone wrong

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May 12, 1982

Washington Academy

"Jacqueline Kate Kennedy"

She walked across the stage proudly and received her diploma, and returned to her seat. The ceremony continued as Jack became uncomfortable in his wheelchair, everything had gone downhill since January, now he was 64 years old and almost bound to a wheelchair. But today he had a special surprise for his daughter on her graduation day.

All the 400 graduates where given there two single roses to give to anyone they chose. Of course her's where going to Jack and Bobby, especially since neither grandma was present at the graduation. As the first graduates started to make there way into the crowd, Bobby began to pull Jack up to stand next to him when Kate turned the corner. He was unsteady at first then stood on his own, he anxiously waited for Kate to come into view from the large group of seniors.

Jack could see her wild blond curls from a mile away, and immediately stood tall. As she tore through all her many classmates, Kate broke down into tears as she saw her father standing waiting for her. Quickly she ran to Jack, wiping her tears as she wrapped her arms around him, holding both the men's roses.

"Uncle Bobby, you have been a second father to me for so many years, and I just wanna tell you that you are so special and important to me, so I present you with your senior red rose, I love you" she hugged him tightly as tears came from Ethel's eyes, this was now his eighth senior flower, but this one was especially special to him

"And daddy, I don't know where to start, you raised me mostly by yourself, and with everything that happened to me at such a young, I don't know how you did it all. You still continue to keep mom alive in all of us, and your always letting me know how much she loved me, I love you more than anybody ever, and just an fwi, please don't die I don't want Uncle Bobby as a dad!" She said running off to join her class laughing

Jack looked at Bobby confused as he laughed, then turned his eyes to his daughter, who had a bright, gleaming smile on her face

"And now I present the class of 1982"

Kate threw her cap up into the air, looking at the quote on it as it came back down.

"When Harvard men say they have graduated from Radcliffe, then we've made it
-Mom/ JBK"


That night Jack and Kate got pizza, and sat at the table together. Kate could tolerate small things in sensible portions, she had grown a lot since her g-tube had been placed some 8 years ago.

Once they where finished Kate helped her father clean up, put his pajamas on, and was putting him to bed when she sprinted to the bathroom.

"Kate are you okay?!" Jack yelled from the room over

"Yea I'm fine, probably just too much of the pizza" Kate yelled back looking at the blood/ puke mixture in the toilet bowl

Slowly she stood to her feet, and walked back into her dad's room. She covered him up and kissed him goodnight.

"Kate you absolutely sure your okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine, go to bed daddy"

She flipped the switch and closed his door, turning the corner to walk up the stairs to her room.

Slowly Kate walked into her room changed into her
pajamas, and got into bed. But before she could even close her eyes she was dashing back to the bathroom falling over the toilet.

Kate knew this wasn't going to stop, so she walked very, very slowly downstairs got a bowl that they didn't really use anymore and went back up to her room where she proceeded to throw up blood 4-5 more times leaving her bed sheets a light shade of red, and almost filling the bowl.

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