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August 14, 1963

Hyannis Port

1 a.m.

Jack's Room

Jack was just settling down for bed, when his room got suspiciously cold.

"Jackie?" He said looking around his room, thinking he was crazy

Then the scent of Chanel #5 came as a wift, and that scared him


That low, raspy voice alone just made him want to cry, he had longed day and night to hear her voice again.

"Jackie?" He said turning around in bed to see his ghostly wife standing there

"Is it really you? Can you hear me?"

"Of course I can hear you, Jack" she said walking over to Kate's bassinet

"That's Jacqueline Kate Kennedy, but we call her Kate"

"Oh Jack I love her name, but I thought we decided on Kate Rose, why did you name her after me?"

"Because she's our little fighter"

"Jack?!" Jackie said turning around with a look of terror on her face

"She has a heart murmur that's getting worse, this my be her last vacation with me, then she can go see mommy"

"Jack you know I don't want that!"

"I didn't figure you would be to thrilled about it"

"Jack she can't come see me! No, that's not going to happen, she's staying with you, you have become the best dad to her!"

"But nature will take it's course, she's not in any pain, she's happy, oh Jackie she's so happy"

"She's daddy's little girl, I love her with all my heart, I can't lose her kid! I'VE ALREADY LOST YOU!"

"Jack you haven't lost me"


"Jack do not raise your voice at me, I came because I want to help!"

Suddenly Kate woke up crying


"Jack I'm sorry I- I didn't mean to wake her up"

"No it's not your fault at least you can see her beautiful eyes, that she got all from you"

"They are beautiful, Jack"

"Can she see you?"

"I don't know, she might be able to"

"Shhh, Kate look it's your mommy" Jack said pointing at Jackie

"Hi Katies, I'm mommy, I know I'm not here all the time but know I love you sooooo much okay?" Suddenly Jackie started to disappear

"Jackie, please take care of Kate I love you!"

"I won't have to Jack!"

"I'm taking her to the water tomorrow, be sure to be watching!"

"I promise I will!"

"Jackie I love you!"

"I know I love you too Jac-k"

And she was gone, he looked down to see Kate fast asleep, obviously mommy's voice put her right down to sleep.

"When you get up to heaven, that is who you will look for, ok?"

Then the voice returned into his ear

"She's not going to have to"

"I know she pretty and nice, but please Kate if you don't have to go to heaven please don't, I love you and daddy needs you down here with him"

"I love you katies"

"What a great way to start off your fantastic vacation" he said laying her back down in the bassinet

He stumbled back to his bed and soon fell asleep to Jackie's voice in his head

"I know I love you too Jack"

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