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September 3, 1963

The White House

9:30 p.m.

It had been a long 13 days for both Jack and Kate, but now they where both home at last.

Kate had been cleared to go home on the first but because of a minor virus she contracted it hadn't happened till about 4:30 earlier that day.

She hadn't yet fully recovered from the virus, still being snotty and coughing every once in a while. But otherwise Kate was back to normal, waving, smiling and giggling.

Jack sat rocking Kate to sleep, finding himself being physically and emotionally tired. He hadn't slept or taken his Addisons meds for what was probably a week or so. In his mind there was no time to worry about himself, but about Kate.

Tomorrow morning he had to go back to the oval, relieve Lyndon, get back to normal.

Was he looking forward to it?

No not at all

He didn't like the idea he would have to leave Kate with somebody else, more the less a nanny.

He sighed as he placed Kate in her white bassinet in the corner of his room. Jack only hoped that she would sleep soundly, she hadn't slept properly in days, since she was in the hospital.

Quickly he exited his room and went into his office.

He sat typing all the many instructions for Kate. Feeding times, what she likes, naps, what's out of the norm for her that would need Jack's attention, medicine times, allergies, everything he could think of. By the time he was done he looked down at the clock


He walked down to Kate's nursery. Where she would take her naps for the day tomorrow, which worried him since she had never ever slept in another room without him. Jack looked through the drawers upon drawers of clothes till he found the perfect outfit for Kate.

It, of course was a dress because of the stitches in her chest, that was decorated with bright yellow flowers that he had paired with one of her yellow headbands.

Slowly he walked back into his room and just kinda stared at Kate for a while, until he finally started to drift off and on between sleep.

"Daddy loves you Kate"

And with a kiss on her forehead he stumbled into bed and was quickly fast asleep, dreaming of Jackie

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