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October 15, 1969

George Washington Soccer Field

2:30 p.m.

"Matt!" Kate yelled letting go of Jack's hand and running to her best friend


The two quickly collided into a hug, acting like they hadn't seen each other that exact same day at school. Matt and Kate played on the same soccer team, and today was one of there many after school games. Jack joined the other dads on the bleachers, looking forward to watching Kate play. Surprisingly Kate was pretty good at soccer, and no Jack had no idea were she got it from, because it was definitely not from him.

He watched as Matt hugged Kate after her second goal of the game, he cheered for his daughter being so excited for her. The two ran side by side to the other end of the field, Jack watched and smiled as her teammates congratulated her, after all she was the only girl on the team.

As more and more sweat dripped down her face, and her breathing got heavier, something switched on inside his head. And just as he started to dismiss the feeling, Jack looked out onto the field just as Kate collapsed.

In the back of his mind he knew exactly what was happening. Quickly he ran onto the field, put his ear up to Kate's chest and did not hear the muffled sound of her heartbeat. Kate's pacemaker was not working

"KATE!" Matt yelled as his dad pulled him away from the scene

Thankfully somebody had called 911, and quickly Jack was gripping his only daughter's hand in the back of an ambulance, trying his best not to focus of what they where doing to her.

Immediately her #28 jersey, which was a tribute to her mother, was tore in half and placed in Jack's arms. He watching hopelessly as they bagged his daughter, and dashed her out of his sight.


Bobby Kennedy's Home


Bobby say on the couch with Ethel, of course like every night watching the nightly news.


Bobby and Ethel exchanges looks and dashed out the door, calling Nanny Shaw to come watch the children for the night on the way.


"Jack!" Bobby yelled down the hall as he ran towards his brother

No answer

"Jack, earth to JACK!" He said waving his hand in front of his face

No answer

Jack sat staring straight ahead, Kate's jersey draped over his arms. He was dased, confused, angry. Just as Bobby sat down beside Jack a doctor approached.

"Mr. Kennedy?"


'Well that snapped him out of it' Bobby thought to himself

"Your daughter, Jacqueline~" Jack cut him off


"Oh yes sir, Kate, um she's out of surgery we moved her up to the PICU, room sev-"

Room seven had brought Jack hell last time, but he didn't care he just wanted to see his daughter.

"We replaced her pacemaker, like last time she'll be with us for a while, right now we're waiting for her to wake up, before we discuss anything else, I'll take you two back if you would like it" motioning to Jack and Bobby

"Yes, of course" Jack said shaking his head

The three all walked up to PICU room seven, where just like seven years ago, the room read J, KENNEDY. Jack looked to Bobby and whispered

"Prepare yourself"

As the doctor opened the door Bobby realized why his brother had warned him, he quickly whispered under his breath

"My God"

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