my birthday

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July 31, 1973

Georgetown Memorial Hospital

"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Kate, Happy birthday to you" Jack whispered while holding Kate in his arms

These past three days had been hell, Kate now had a tube in her stomach that feed her. They still hadn't pin-pointed what was wrong, but doctors said it had something to do with her heart defect. She wanted only to be held, and really only woke up for 1-2 hours a day. But today was her 10th birthday, double digits and she was laying in Jack's arms unconscious, probably not even knowing it's her birthday.

"Daddy?" Kate opened her eyes slightly, being blinded by the lights

"Happy Birthday baby, double digits!"


"Yes kate?"

"I want mommy" Jack's heart broke

"I know, you want me to call Uncle Bobby?" He said trying to change the subject

"Yea, and Gramma"

"Ok, I can do that"

As Jack started to step out of the room he covered Kate back up.



"I love you"

"I love you too Kate, I'll be right back you can go back to sleep"

She pulled her purple blanket up to her chin, tubes coming from under it, and fell asleep

A couple minutes later a familiar voice called out,



"No, Katies it's mommy" Kate jerked a little hard, shifting her feeding tube, which made her wince

"Mommy?" She said looking at Jackie extremely confused

"Can I sit?"

Kate immediately nodded, tears came down Jackie's eyes as she sat down, knowing her little girl was in pain

"Mommy whats wrong?"

"Oh, honey it's nothing, I just love you so much"

"I love you too mommy"

"I heard you speaking to me a couple of days ago, remember I always hear you. And I am so very impressed at your French already"

"je l'ai appris de toi" Kate giggled as she spoke

"And I see you all the time, I see you and your daddy, I see your soccer games, everything"

"I'm sick mommy, really sick, I heard a doctor talking to him last night, he came back in crying a lot, I don't think he knew I was awake"

"I know Kate, that's why I came down to see you, plus your the big 1-0 today!"

"I wish you where here mommy"

"I know Kate, but I'm always here, always, you just may not be able to see me sometimes, and on special occasions and when you really need me, you may be able to actually see me, I love you so much Katie Kate"

"I love you mommy" at this point Kate was drifting back to sleep

Jackie slowly tucked her in, and then dissolved into thin air

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