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August 12, 1963

Georgetown Memorial Hospital

Kate's Follow-Up

Kate had been fussy all morning, she couldn't eat for 12 hours before, because they would be putting her under anesthesia for all the tests they would be running. Therefore she only had one 4 ounce bottle of water, which she had chugged down on the way to the hospital, and now she wasn't very happy that the bottle was empty.

Jack felt horrible for Kate, he knew she was hungry. And since she hadn't been feed, she wouldn't sleep, since she wouldn't sleep, she was tired. And all this put together made for an extremely upset Kate.

As he walked into the doctor's office, he slightly opened up the blanket that covered Kate's car seat and realized that she was finally asleep. He went up to the desk where he was handed Kate's paperwork.

Jack sat rocking Kate's car seat to insure that she stayed asleep, all the while doing paperwork.

After Kate was born, he had become pretty good at multitasking.

He knew most of the questions, you know her full name, how old she was, her parents, social security number. He had it all figured out, for once.

When he was done, he returned the clipboard to the lady at the desk, and sat back down with Kate.

Soon after Kate was called back, and this was when anxiety hit Jack. He loved this little girl so much, and he just wanted to protect her by all means.

Since she was so little and squirmy, they had to put her to sleep to do her her echo and ultrasound of her heart.

Jack was terrified

The nurses already woke her up when they drew her blood. So right before the nurses came in to put her to sleep, Jack got up onto her bed and held her. As they put the mask on Kate, to put her to sleep, her little brown eyes closed slowly. Jack placed her small little body on the bed and covered her up with her purple Kennedy blanket. And just like that she was being rolled out of his sight.

The wait was hell for Jack, he paced Kate's room the whole time she was back there. Of course thinking about all the things that could go wrong.

After about an hour he could see Kate's crib, coming back into view at the other end of the hallway.

When she came back and woke up she was not a happy camper.

She cried for ten straight minutes, but when Jack finally was able to pick her up she stopped instantly, falling right back to sleep.

'She was just tired' Jack thought as he buckled her back into her car seat, covered her up with her purple blanket once again, and put her shade back down to let her sleep in peace.

He would get a call about the results but now he and Kate where going to Hyannis for a much needed break.

They would leave tomorrow morning, early, so Jack was eager to get back, so that hopefully he and Kate could catch back up on sleep before they got to Hyannis.

He was nervous to what the results would show, but he knew whatever was thrown at him he and Kate would take on together, with Jackie watching on.

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