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September 4, 1989

Hyannis Port

Kate, Elizabeth, and Jack Jr. made there way back to Hyannis before summer was completely over. Jack Jr. was doing great, and had no problems in his health, despite being born almost 2 months early.

Elizabeth was starting pre- start/daycare in the fall so she could get back to work. Therefore this would most likely be there last vacation of the year.

Bobby, Ethel, Kate, Liza, and Jack Jr. where all walking along the beach. Liza held Kate's hand as she kicked up sand, Bobby held Jack Jr. on his chest as he started to fall asleep. All the while Ethel held Bobby's hand.

Kate had finally found a daycare that would take Elizabeth, considering she was in the "special needs" department. But after a couple months of working to find one, she did, one of the best in Washington matter a factly.

Liza's teachers where learning how to deal with her pump, and what to do if anything where to happen during school hours.

Kate watched as Bobby held hands with his wife, her head on his shoulder, all the while holding Jack Jr. close as he slept peacefully.

Soon they walked closely to Jack's home, where he sat on the porch, and of course Liza took off running.

"Elizabeth slow down your going to fall!" But still the little girl kept on

As the sand got softer, Liza's feet fell farther into the ground, and soon enough she fell, getting a face full of dirt. After awhile she didn't get up, which alarmed Kate slightly.

"Liza, get up and go to papa!" Kate yelled from way behind her daughter

She couldn't see her with the best eyes, but as the sand around her started to turn a crimson looking color she took off leaving her uncle, aunt, and son in the dirt. As Kate ran to her daughter she suddenly remembered that she hadn't taught Elizabeth how to fall to a side when you have pump/tube like Jack had taught Kate at the young age of 7. Liza flipped onto her back to unveil her cortisol pump halfway out of her abdomen, and blood leaking all over her purple polo shirt.

"Kate! Liza!" Jack yelled starting to freak out

Suddenly Liza just burst into tears, yelling and screaming, probably loud enough for Rose and Joe to hear from the main house. Quickly Kate stripped Elizabeth of her polo leaving it in the sand and running inside, trying to calm her down while running into Jack's house, dripping blood onto the hardwoods.

Luckily, considering her child was almost two, she knew at some point this would happen, and she knew how to deal with this. Although it would be extremely painful for Elizabeth.

As Kate started to slide the small plastic tube into her abdomen, Elizabeth screamed for absolutely anybody.

"Mommy, no, stop!" Kate tried to stay focused on the task although as Elizabeth screamed and cried Kate's eyes started to fog up

"Papa, please!" She begged as Jack turned away

As the last little bit was pushed in, Kate yanked her up as Liza still screamed

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" is all Kate could say as she rocked her little girl back and forth in her arms

After awhile it was just muffled sobs as Elizabeth cried, and soon silence, meaning she was fast asleep.

As Kate walked up to her room and put Liza down for the night, Jack spoke up

"It's just going to get worse"

All Kate did was cry a little more and close her eyes wanting all this to be just a bad, bad dream

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