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January 19, 1982

Washington D.C

The Kennedy clan sat on the sidelines while Jack and Kate walked down the soccer field, stopping in the center.

"Next on the field we have #28, Senior and MVP, Kate Kennedy!"

Kate smiled brightly as she watched her family, and the entire stadium, cheer loudly.

" Jacqueline Kate Kennedy is the 18 year old daughter of John and the late Jacqueline Kennedy of Georgetown, she has been apart of the varsity soccer team since eighth grade. She is apart of Beta, and FBLA. Kate is being supported in tonight's game, by her gramma Janet and Uncle Bobby. She is also being escorted tonight by her father, John Kennedy"

They got to the end of the field and Kate turned to her father

"I love you daddy"

"Play good kiddo"

Kate kissed her father on the cheek and went to join her team, as the rest of the ceremony went on. Jack walked off the field and went to sit with the rest of the family on the bleachers. He watched and cheered for his daughter as she racked up point upon point. As the game was ending the family started to get up as the speaker came back over the stadium.

"Family and friends please remain seated as we announce our homecoming king and queen"

Jack could tell that the all the girls in the family sat on the edge of there seats.

"Our Washington Academy king is football star, we know him as #27, MATTHEW HAYES"

Kate's heart skipped a beat when she heard his name, now that her boyfriend got king, she had to get queen.

'There's no way' She thought to herself

"And without further ado..."

Ethel slid a little closer to the edge of the bench

"Our Washington Academy queen..."

Pat's hands cramped up from crossing her fingers

"You all know and love her..."

Jean's heart pumped inside her chest violently

"Number #28, KATE KENNEDY!"

The entire Kennedy family jumped up and cheered loudly, as Kate went and joined her boyfriend in center field. Quickly they made there way down to the field as the two walked down the grass one last time as king and queen.

"Tonight Matt and Kate played for The American G-Tube Awareness Foundation, and for both sets of parents, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN GIVE IT UP ONE LAST TIME FOR MR. AND MRS. WASHINGTON ACADEMY."

After pictures where taken, Kate sprinted into the arms of her father, almost knocking her crown off.

"Daddy, I did it!" She cried into Jack's ear

"I know!" Jack said looking Kate in the eyes wanting to cry, it seemed like just yesterday that he was taking her to her first day of kindergarten

"Played a pretty good game too, kid" Bobby said handing her a teddy bear holding a soccer ball

"From me and Auntie Ethie"

"Thanks Uncle Bobby" she hugged her uncle tight

"Plus you know I won the Uncle battle" he said showing off, sticking his tongue out at Ted

"Whatever, I'll get it next time" Teddy moaned rolling his eyes

All the Kennedys laughed as Matt walked up, behind Kate

"Kate, turn around"

Kate turned around to revel her boyfriend with a poster board.

"Since you are now really my queen, and I never properly asked, will you 'kick' it at homecoming with me?"

"Of course Matt" She said smiling so bright, which did Jack good

Once again the Kennedy women squealed as Kate hugged Matt.

"Matt have you met my other family?" Kate asked looking up from a side hug

"Actually, I don't think I have" He said surprised

"Ok so those are my uncles" she said pointing to Bobby and Teddy

"Uncle Bobby thinks he's so bad, since he's older, watch out for him, now Uncle Ted, he's great, super nice and funny, you get stuck with a Kennedy man get stuck with Ted"

"Noted" He said shaking his head

"Of course you know my dad, he's the oldest other then my uncle Joe, but he died in war so.."

"Anyways those four are my aunts, Eunice, Pat, Jean, Joan, and of course Auntie Ethie"

"Now Uncle Bobby has eleven kids, but we don't have time for all that"

Matt's eyes got wide when "eleven" was said

"Yep there all ours" Ethel and Bobby said at the same time

"Then there's grammy, and grampy, my dad's parents, makers of half of this congregation"

"And we CAN'T forget gramma, my mom's mom, who keeps her memory alive in all of us, you think you know all about my mom now, one sitting with her and your going to feel like your her best friend"

"Anyways, you want me to go over them all again?"

"Yea, one more time"

"To go over the whole group there's grammy and grampy, then there's gramma, Dad and Mom, Eunice, Pat, Bobby and Auntie Ethie, Jean, and finally Ted and Joan. But there are oh so much more including all the aunts husbands but we'll get there"

Kate could tell that Matt was getting overwhelmed

"We would love to have you over for dinner, Matt" Jack offered

"Actually that would be great Mr. Kennedy, thank you"

"No problem, we have plenty of enough to go around"

As Matt and Kate walked hand and hand back to the car, Kate could see that Matt looked at Bobby worried, she turned to see Bobby and the glare he had planted on her boyfriend

"Hey Uncle Bobby?"

"Yea kiddo?" He said still glaring at Matt as sweat poured down his forehead

"Your not scary"

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