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February 22, 1993

Hyannis Port

The phone rang as Jack was just about to go back upstairs. Quickly he wheeled to it picking it up right before the final ring.


"Yes is this..... John Kennedy?" honestly it took him awhile considering nobody called him John

"Yes, is everything ok?" He slowly started to worry more and more

"Sir, your daughter Kate and your three grandchildren were brought in from a crash this morning.." Jack didn't even let the women on the other end finish


"Yes Sir, we just got three stable and to the ICU"

"There was four, not three"

"Yes Sir, we lost your daughter minutes after she arrived, we feel a great lost of one of our fellows" Jack wanted to throw up, his face went white, breath short he asked a critical question that was on his mind

"What about my grandkids?"

"Elizabeth was trapped in her wheelchair that was smashed when the car rolled, at the moment doctors have absolutely no idea what there going to do for her"

"What about Jack-Jack?"

"He suffered a pretty good cut to the back of his head, most likely a concussion, and a broken collarbone, right now he's awake and talking, I- I think your brother, Robert? is in there with him now"


"Josephine was brought in limp and not breathing, she showed no sign of outside damage other than a couple of cuts and bruises, we have no idea how long she was completely down so we have no idea if or when she will come back up. And if she does how much damage did the air not circulating to her brain cause, right now it's all up to her"


"Mommy?" Kate asked as she passed through the golden gates

"Katie?" It seemed like Jackie appeared out of absolutely no where, of course looking confused at why her 29 year old daughter was in the same place she was in

"Oh, no, no, no, if your here than that means this is real, oh no this can't be happening, Elizabeth she needs me now more than ever, what about Jack- Jack, Josie? Mom I- I gotta go back"

"Kate, baby, you can't you're dead. trust me I only tried for half of your lifetime to figure out how to. Whoever you left your kids to will now become there biological mom/ dad, depending on who that person may be"

"I mean I left them to Matt, but he's always deployed, and dad is in a wheelchair he can't deal with a six year old who needs almost all around help everyday"

"Then who gets your kids now?"

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