the news

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When Jackie and Jack arrived at the compound, they where ushered in by all of Jack's siblings.

"Jack! Your just in time for dinner please you and Jackie sit down" Rose yelled as she heard her son talking to his siblings

Therefore both Jackie and Jack sat down near the head of the table, where Joe Sr. always sat with Rose nearby. As Jackie started to pick around her food, Rose grew worried

"Jackie, dear are you alright?"


"Actually mother" Jack said cutting off Jackie

They both exchanged looks quickly, kinda a panicked face from Jackie

"Jackie is pregnant, that's why we came down to Hyannis, we couldn't wait to share the news of our upcoming little one"

"Well that's wonderful dear!" Rose said standing up and rounding the table to hug Jackie

After all the congratulations from the family they sat down in the family room to socialize and discuss Jack's presidency.

"Jack, I'm really not feeling well, I think I'm going to go shower and get into bed"

"Alright call me if you need me I'll be up in a little while, I love you Jackie"

"I will. Oh and I love you too Jack" and Jackie rounded the corner to go upstairs

"Where's Jackie going?" Bobby asked sounding kinda concerned

"This pregnancy is completely taking a toll on her, she's having headaches, she's always nauseous, not to mention she's always sleeping"

"Poor thing" added Rose from the corner chair next to Joe

"She said she was going to washed up and get in bed, I'm just hoping she'll start to feel a little bit better soon"

"So Jack, you wanna boy or a girl?"

"Me and Jackie really want a girl" suddenly all the his sisters squealed in excitement

"What are you going to name her or him" Joe asked

"We like my nick-name for a boy"

"Awe another 'Jack'" Pat added

"And Kate or Claire for a girl, I like Kate more honestly, but it's up to Jackie"

"What's her middle name?" Rose said raising her eyebrow

"Mother, WE don't know yet"

"Kate Rose is a very pretty name" she once again spoke

"Maybe mother"

"Please, Jack!"

"Maybe, anyway I'm going upstairs to my wife"

"Think about it Jack!" His mother shouted as he climbed the stairs

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