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Haaaaiiiii! Im back w/ a new book. Missed me? Of course you did. Anyways I will work hard to make this book better than the rest of my work. I will think hard about these parts that I will be publishing. But if I do make a grammar or spelling mistake, please enjoy and go along with it because what you guys always cracks me up. *I AM TAKING REQUESTS BTW*

Requested by @anomymous

Everyone experiences first love. Everyone experiences heartbreak. But when someone experiences both, it feels like it's the end of the world.

My first love didn't turn out the way I always dreamed about. We met on the school playground when we were eight years old. I was minding my own business, skipping around happily. One of my shoes was untied so I ended up stepping on the shoelace and tripped. I was crying on the floor, holding my leg as I watched blood cover my knee.

He instantly helped me to the nurses office. He stayed outside, waiting until I was out. He didn't leave my side. Since that day, we've been inseparable.

It wasn't until he met someone when we were 17. The girl was his science partner so at the beginning they hung out for projects but as they got closer, they went out to the theaters or the fair or just to eat. He included me but I just felt like a third wheel.

Sometimes I think that I have a chance. When we're hanging out alone together, he always seems too...intimate? He would have his shoulder around me and even poke my cheek. It confuses me.

His girlfriend invited me to drink a cup of coffee. I was surprised since we don't really hang out unless Jungkook is there.

"Hey Naeun, you wanted to talk about something?", I said, sitting down on the booth.

"Yeah actually, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to be one of my bridesmaids. I know you and Jungkook are really close friends so you're an important person in his life. Just because we're gonna get married, doesn't mean that you have to distance yourself from him. I want us to be friends but I feel like being around me makes you uncomfortable", she said.

"..wait...he proposed to you? You're engaged?", I asked.

"Oh he didn't tell you? Shoot...he told me he was gonna tell you. Actually believe it or not, I proposed to him. Anyways, if he tells you please act surprised. He wanted to tell you himself. So what do you think?...actually no scratch that. Maid of honor? I don't have anyone close to me except Jungkook. But I hope we get closer. Do you wanna think about it?", she asked.

"Um..yeah", I said.


"Squishy, you're here", Jungkook smiled, squeezing my cheeks.

I softly pushed his hands away and smiled. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me over to his bedroom.

"Okay so I have to tell you something. Don't freak out but uh....I'm engaged! I'm gonna marry Naeun", he smiled, clapping his hands.

"Oh wow. That's amazing", I said, trying to smile.

"You don't...you don't sound happy", his smile faded.

"No I am. I'm really happy for you. It's just weird because we just graduated. I feel like time is passing too quickly", I said.

"Aww squish, at least you still look like a baby. But anyways, you'll find someone for yourself. I know it", he smiled.

It was hard to keep my eyes away from him. I wanted this to last forever...but he cleared his throat and looked away.

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