RM (Pt. 2)

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It's been over a month since you began your mission. Your boss is becoming very impatient by the minute. You've been meaning to finish the deed but your feelings tend to push what you have to do to the side and make you forget about it.

It was a Friday night and Namjoon invited you over for dinner so you can meet his friends. He picked you up from your house and drove to the beach house that he rented out. His friends were already there and instantly introduced themselves to you. You really liked them.

"Do you mind if you hang out with Jungkook and Taehyung? They're supposed to get the bonfire started and I feel like they're just gonna be fooling around. Mind if you keep an eye on them?", Namjoon asked, his hand placed on your lower back.

"Sure. I'll do my best", you smiled and headed outside, meeting both boys fighting over a bag of marshmallows.

They stopped and looked up at you from the floor, cheeks slightly blushing. They quickly fixed themselves and brushed the dirt off of their pants.

"Namjoon told me to help you with the bonfire", you said.

"Um...right..", Taehyung laughed awkwardly while Jungkook stood still, avoiding eye contact with you.

You sat down on one of the benches and handed them the chopped wood that was under the table. About three minutes later, your phone rang.

"Um..can you guys finish? I have to take this", you said, pointing to your phone.

They both nodded. You walked a few feet away from them and answered the phone.

"What the hell is taking so long?? I know you said you needed time but I didn't mean this much. Are you able to complete your mission or did I make a mistake in hiring you?"

"I'm sorry boss. I really did intend to. But I don't think I can anymore. You were wrong about him. He's a really sweet guy", you said.

"You've fallen for him?? Stupid girl. If you don't do this, then I have no choice to do it myself. And when I finish with him, you're next."

Your boss ended the call without having you respond. You sighed and placed your phone in your back pocket, combing your fingers through your hair.

"Something wrong?", Namjoon walked from behind you and put a hand on your shoulder.

"Yeah, everything is fine", you smiled, making sure he knows.

"Food is ready. Come on", he grabbed your hand and lead you towards the bonfire.

Everyone sat down on the benches, warming up near the fire. His friends were enjoying every bit of it, eating their food off of their plates but you took small bites, thinking about the phone call you had with your boss.

You were hired to kill him and you were so sure that you could do sit but with all this time that you spent with him, you don't wanna do that now. Namjoon places his arm around you and softly smiled, making sure you were comfortable.

"You don't like the food?", he asked.

"No the food is great. It's just....there's something that I need to tell you..and I know you won't forgive me", you said.

"That's not true. I'm sure it's nothing bad. Come on, let's go inside. You can tell me in there", Namjoon grabbed both plates and put them on the table before grabbing your hand and lead in you inside the house.

"So? What did you want to tell me?", he asked.

"Um..so before we met, I was having a hard time with money and it ruined my relationship. Like I cared about it anyways, he treated me horribly. Anyways, the few months after I struggled and my parents didn't want to help me. Then I met this girl who was hiring a maid. I was interviewed by her and was hired instantly. I honestly thought it was a maid job but then she explained to me what I had to do. Because of all the anger I had with my ex, I thought I could do it. But I can't now...", you explained, looking down at the ground.

"What are you talking about?", he asked.

"Well..I signed a contract to-"

"Hey are you still taking us to the game later?", Jungkook asked as he walked towards you and Namjoon.

""Yeah, we'll be leaving in an hour", Namjoon said.

"Is Noona coming with us?", Jungkook asked, not being able to look at you.

"You wanna come with us?", Namjoon asked you.

"No it's okay. We hang out all the time. It's time for you to hang out with your friends. I'm just gonna go home because I'm feeling a bit sleepy", you said.

"I'll drive you. Where's your purse?", he asked, looking around.

"I'll grab it", you said, heading towards the living room.


"You're gonna be okay? You don't want me to stay with you?", Namjoon asked as he parked in front of your house.

"I'll be fine. You have fun with your friends. They're really nice people", you smiled.

"Yeah. They like you. I'm really glad they do. I know it's only been a month since we met but I'm starting to really like you, to the point where I fall asleep thinking of you and I wake up thinking of you. Now it will only be fair if you agree to be my girlfriend", he smiled, a hint of blush coloring his cheeks.

"Are you serious?", you asked.

"Dead serious", he said.

Dead. That's the word you keep thinking about.

"(Y/n)? I'll feel more calm if you say something", he chuckled awkwardly.

"Can I think about it some more? It's not a bad thing I just feel like it's best if I think about it", you said.

"Yeah, take all the time you need", he smiled.

You smiled back and opened the car door.

"Hey, you said you had to tell me something. You didn't get to finish talking back there", he said.

"Oh uh..we'll talk about it later", you said.

He kissed you on the cheek and bid a goodnight to you before you got off of the car. You watched him drive off. Instantly, you headed inside your house and put on your comfy clothes, dropping your body onto your bed. You closed your eyes for a few seconds before feeling someone cover your mouth and nose with a rag. You tried fighting off but you lost consciousness.

So I've noticed that there are a few requests to be done that are from a month/two months ago (maybe even three) and I do apologize for those of you waiting. Again, I have a way to update and most of the requests are for Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin so it will take a while for me to get to them. Please be patient with me. And thank you to those who comment funny/positive things because it literally makes my day. I don't care if it's twenty comments or even one comment, I'm always happy reading them.

I've received a few comments saying that a few(or more) of the parts in my stories(especially the ones in my first book of BTS Imagines) are offensive and I apologize for that. Please do let me know if any of you are very uncomfortable, I will make sure to apologize. But you should know my first few books I was still a bit "new" or not used to writing which explains why they're like that.

Anyways I love you all and hopefully those of end up getting tickets this Friday❤️

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