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You've been cleaning all day, hoping there wasn't a speck of dust anywhere. Your boyfriend of one year is coming over to your somewhat 'small' loft that you had moved in a month ago.

It's your first year of college that was in another country and the feeling of taking on the world on your own excited you. Yoongi opposed of the idea at first and tried to convince you to go to school near where he lives but you're happy with your decision. The only thing you hate was not seeing him everyday.

"Alright. Hopefully he approves", you told yourself as you admired your loft.

About ten minutes of staring at your phone, waiting to receive a text message from Yoongi, you get a call instead. He was already waiting downstairs so you got in the elevator, pressed the button to go down and waited impatiently.

When the elevator doors opened, you met eyes with Yoongi. You smiled and quickly ran up to him, wrapping you arms around him.

"I missed you!", you smiled up at him as he ruffled your hair.

"Kiddo, you didn't tell me you lived in such a..", he looked at the building which was a bit worn out but still suitable for people to live in.

"..dump", he said.

"Im not a kid. I'm 18. A mature adult. And this place isn't a dump. It's great even on the inside. Come on", you grabbed his hand and pulled him into the elevator.

You were 17 and he was 20. Sure anyone would think that isn't appropriate but you two have known each other since you were three and he was six. You fell in love with him at age 12 and have not regretted turning down other boys. Then you confessed your feelings for him when you watched the fireworks for Fourth of July. No one supported your relationship so all you had was him.

As the two of you stepped out, you pulled him into your loft, smiling as you waited for his reaction.

"Vintage. Plus a lot of space. Didn't you say you have a roommate?", he asked, stepping into the living room.

Everything was together. There were no walls that separated anything, except for the bathroom.

"Yeeaah..about that. She actually graduated and moved back home three weeks ago", you admitted.

"What? You didn't tell me that. You've been staying here by yourself? You know how I feel about that. We agreed that you'd have a roommate", he said, putting his bag on the couch.

"I'm fine Yoongi. I understand why you'd worry but I've been doing fine for the last three weeks. I thought you said you could trust me", you said.

"I do. I just don't trust anyone else. What if someone tries to break in?", he asked.

"I have a lock system remember? You bought it for me. If anyone tries to get in, the alarm will blare so loud that the city will think a tsunami is on its way. And I have my taser. I'm prepared. Anyways, you're here now...well for the weekend but still. I'm happy you're here", you smiled, wrapping your arms around his waist as you rested your chin on his chest.

He smiled back and leaned down to place a soft kiss on the tip of your nose.

"So? What do you think of the place?", you asked.

"It's not bad. Could use a bit of cleaning-" you punched him on the chest, causing him to yelp.

"I've been cleaning all day. It's the walls that make it look dirty. I still need to paint but not sure what color. Beige?", you asked, observing the walls.

"How about lavender? A really light lavender color. It'll pull everything together", he said.

"See, you're a genius. Beige. Pfft. What was I thinking?", you lightly tapped your head while chuckling.

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