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Requested by @leilei3002

First Smut for this book!

I watched as Jimin was smoothly dancing in front of the mirror, his shirt becoming sweaty. He's been working so hard and I couldn't help but cheer as he perfected a move he kept messing up. Jimin smiled to himself and continued to dance.

"(Y/n), I'm bored. Let's play a game", Taehyung smiled as he sat in front of me.

"Okay. What game?", I said.

"Um..truth or dare", he said.

"Ugh But last time we played, I ended up hurting my ankle", I pouted.

"Well this time it won't be that intense. Ready? Want me to go first or you?", he asked.

"You can go first", I said.

"Okay. Truth or dare?", he asked.

"Um...dare", I said.

"Dare alright umm....I dare you to stand in the middle of the room and yell out 'Taehyung oppa is so amazing'", he smirked.

"What?? No way. People will see me", I said, referring to Jimin.

"You have to do it or else you'll have to take punishmeeeent", he sang.

"Ugh Fine!", I rolled my eyes and stood up, making my way to the center of the room.

When I stood on the right spot, I glanced over at Taehyung who was waiting impatiently. I groaned and lightly stomped my foot on the ground.

"Taehyung Oppa is so amazing!", I yelled before running back to Taehyung who was laughing.

"That was so embarrassing", I groaned, covering my face.

"At least you did it. Anyways it's my turn. Ask me", he said.

"Fine. Truth or d-"

"Dare!", he said, interrupting me.

"Hmm...", I looked around and smirked when I noticed the girl that has a crush on him.

"I dare you to kiss that girl on the cheek", I smirked.

"Why?", he asked.

"..she likes you dummy", I chuckled.

"Yeah but I don't like her. Give me the punishment. I'm not doing it", he said.

I raised an eyebrow and shook my head. I flicked his forehead five times and waited for him to ask.

"Truth or dare?", he asked, rubbing his forehead.

"Truth", I said.

"Do you like someone?", he asked.

"Yes I do", I said.

"Who is it?", he asked.

"Nope. You only get one question to ask. Now my turn", I said.

We continued playing until he was called for a meeting.


Jimin was getting his stuff, meaning he was done practicing. I decided it was time to be brave and talk to him.

"Hey Jimin", I smiled.

"Oh. Hey (y/n). What's up?", he asked.

"Um...just...I was thinking if..maybe you want to go out with me this Friday? Y-You don't have to say yes", I said, cheeks turning red.

"Sure (y/n)", he smiled.

The next few days were awkward between me and Taehyung. He's been ignoring me. I wanted to tell him about the date I have with Jimin but it didn't seem as if he was interested.

The day of the date was weird. I felt uncomfortable around Jimin. He was trying too hard to impress me. The date was only about 45 minutes until I told him I didn't feel good. Of course I lied. I just couldn't keep going with the date.

After he dropped me off at home, I opened the front door and noticed rose petals and candles lit on the floor. I followed that path which lead towards my bedroom. When I entered my room, Taehyung was standing there wearing a suit, at least 50 bouquets of roses in the room.

"Taehyung? What are you doing here?", I asked.

"(Y/n), I know you like Jimin which is why I was ignoring you because I was sad. But I didn't want to give up. I love you (y/n). I want you to be mine. I want to show you how important you are to me. I want to spend years and years with you. Please be mine (y/n)", he whispered.

He walked closer to me and placed his hand on my cheek. He leaned down and connected his lips with mine. I gasped as I felt his tongue glide along my bottom lip. When I reacted, he pushed me against the wall and kissed roughly. His lips went down to my neck and softly bit down on my sensitive skin.

I had to close my eyes as I felt slight pain and pleasure. His hands went up my body and cupped my breasts, causing me to moan. He took off my shirt and instantly put one of my breasts into his mouth. The kisses were soft but he was anxious.

My hands were tugging onto the hem of his shirt, him complying by taking it off. My hand rested on his abdomen, feeling his warm skin. His hand softly grabbed mine and lead it towards his pants. He unbuttoned his pants and took them off, placing his hands on my shoulders to push me down. I wasn't sure what to do but I tried. Apparently he enjoyed whatever I was doing since he grabbed a hand full of my hair and thrusted himself into my mouth repeatedly. I kept gagging and tried to get air but at the same time I liked it.

He lightly pushed me off and carried me towards the bed. He took off my jeans and panties, throwing them across the room. He admired my body while pumping himself, a dark gaze on his face while biting his lip seductively.

He grabbed one of my legs and slowly kissed upward, glancing at me a few times. Right when he got to that spot, I shut my eyes and clutched onto the bedsheets. I couldn't control muting my moans. He turned me around onto my stomach and spread my legs to enter from behind. It felt weird but surprisingly good. He thrusted roughly into me while giving a few spanks, showing his anger from when I asked Jimin out and not noticing him.

He rested his body against mine while still thrusting. He moved my hair to the side and kissed behind my neck, causing the small hairs to stand. He moved over to my ear, lightly nibbling while letting out what seemed like growls.

His hands went towards my breasts, softly massaging them as he slowed down his thrusts. Something about hearing his moans made me more excited. I begged to keep going faster but that only made him slow down. He smirked as I whined when he didn't listen. He lifted up my waist so I'd be on my knees. His hands were holding onto my waist, resuming to the fast speed. I yelled out his name and dug my face onto the pillow as I felt waves of pleasure run through my body.

I could feel something at the pit of my stomach, causing me to tighten around his member. He groaned and thrusted faster as we both climaxed. He gave a few more thrusts and pulled himself out.

When he laid down next to me, he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. He kissed me and giggled as he saw me blushing.

"Was this your plan all along?", I asked, sighing as I got comfortable.

"Not really. I wasn't planning to take it this far but I couldn't help it. You make me go insane", he said, cuddling himself closer.

"I feel bad now for saying that I like Jimin. But honestly after that date today, it seems like we don't have anything in common", I said.

"Do we have anything in common? I mean, other than the fact that we both look good naked", he shrugged his shoulders, giggling as I hit his chest.

"Did you mean what you said? That you love me?", I asked.

"Of course I did. I've loved you ever since I laid eyes on you", he said.

I smiled and pressed my lips against his. I slowly began to get on top of him.

"Again?", he asked, surprised.

"You had your turn. Now it's mine", I smirked and kissed him again.

So Big Hit is gonna debut a boy group next year? I'm excited😭

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