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Requested by @anonymous
Warning: SMUT

I refuse to believe this picture is real😳

Your best friend, who happens to be going out with Jimin, invited you and Jungkook to go with them to a festival a few hours from where you live. The four of you checked into a hotel and instead of you and her getting a room for yourselves, she decided to stay in a room with Jimin which means you're stuck with Jungkook. You don't know him too much but you were comfortable around him.

You checked into your room and placed your bag on the floor. You examined the room while Jungkook placed his things away. You heard some shuffling noises and thought it was him putting his bag down but as you turned around, your eyes widened when you saw him taking off his shirt. His bare back was facing you.

"You okay?", he chuckled, glancing back at you.

You can feel your face heating up so you looked away. You cleared your throat and looked out the window. The beach was so close, you decided to go for a swim.

"You have any plans before the festival?", you asked him, going through your bag.

"Nah, just gonna rest", he said.

"You don't wanna go to the beach with me? Imma go for a swim", you said.

He looked at you for a few seconds before eyeing your body. He shook his head and smiled.

"Sure", he said.


Both of you walked towards the beach, towels in your hands. As you set your towel on the sand, you hear a flirtatious whistle coming from your left. When you looked over, two older guys were smirking at you and sharing disgusting comments. You felt uncomfortable so you covered your chest. Jungkook noticed so he got closer to you and glared at the guys. Somehow the two guys apologized and walked away.

"Ready?", he smiled.

You stepped into the water and felt the coldness run up your legs as you walk deeper into it. Jungkook splashed you with water, causing him to laugh. While he was busy laughing, you decided to get him back. You wanted to splash him but he dodged it by diving into the water. You were looking for him and yelped as you felt him grab your ankle. When he got his head out of the water, he laughed.

"That's not funny", you pouted as you lightly pushed him.

"Lighten up a little", he smiled.

You rolled your eyes and dove right into the water. Jungkook's smile disappeared when you took too long to reappear. He was about to panic until he felt a pinch right on his butt.

"Ow!", he yelled.

You laughed and clapped your hands.

"What the hell?? I only grabbed your ankle", he said, pouting.

"Well it was either that or-....um...I'm getting a bit cold. I'm heading out", you said, feeling your face warm up.

You wrapped yourself with the towel and waited until you were dry. Jungkook sat next to you. It was almost time to head to the festival so both of them went back to the hotel and got ready.


When you arrived at the music festival, your friend and Jimin began to drink. They drank A LOT. Jungkook had one drink while you just drank water. Both of you had to help them back to the hotel. You expected them to fall asleep instantly when you placed them on the bed but you were wrong.

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