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It's summer time and love is in the air...sorta. Many couples are out enjoying their days, spending time with each other. Unfortunately for (y/n), it was a short summer. She did have an amazing time with a guy she met. All the flirting and harmless touching, it's something she won't forget. But her  family was moving and she had to say good bye to everyone and everything that she was used to.

"I don't get why I had to transfer schools when it's my last year of high school. I'm not gonna know anyone. What if I don't make any friends?", (y/n) asked her parents as they put their clothes into their drawers.

"You'll make plenty of friends, dear. Now go to your room and put your things away. You have to wake up early tomorrow so your father can drop you off at school", her mother said.

(Y/n) sighed and walked into her room, noticing all the unopened boxes scattered on the floor. She thought about whether doing it today or tomorrow when she gets back from school but she'll probably be too tired then and procrastinate. Rolling her eyes, she started off with the box which had her shirts in.

It took her around three hours to get everything in place. When she was satisfied with how her room looked, she changed into her pjs and went to sleep which was around 1 in the morning.

"Sweetie, wake up. It's time to get ready for school."

Her father knocked on her door, waking her up from her sleep. She wished she can just stay in and sleep all day, forgetting about the world. But she has no choice.

She got up from her bed, stretched her arms over her head and yawned before rubbing her eyes. She already had an outfit chosen for today since she knew she was gonna be too lazy to look for one last minute. Makeup isn't really her thing, maybe just a bit of mascara and chapstick but nothing too obvious.

"Alright Mr. Pickles, wish me luck", she said to her goldfish.

She grabbed her backpack and headed out into the living room to meet with her father who was in his work suit. It fits him quite well.

"Alright kiddo, you ready to conquer the day?", he asked.

"No. I'm ready to finish the day", she said.

"Oh come on sport, you'll have a fantastic day as long as you have a smile on that pretty face", her father ruffled up her hair, messing it up.

She lightly pushed his hand away and nudged him.

"Let's get going", he opened the front door for her as they went over to his car.

While driving up to her new school, she can see students wearing different uniforms. She looked down at hers and realizes it's the wrong one.

"Dad, the color of the uniform is supposed to be red, not blue", she said.

"No. The principal gave us a packet and it informed that you wear the blue one since you're new. Apparently it's tradition. All new students wear blue", he said.

She mentally groaned and sat back, shaking her head. Everyone will know she's new and a nobody. As if the day can't get any worse.

Her father parked in front of the school and told her that she can get going, even though she didn't want to. She opened the door, got out, and began walking until her father rolled down the window and yelled out something that made her want to hide.

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