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-4 Years Old-

You stared at the boy in front of you. He was just as confused as you are. He extended his hand and poked your eye, causing you to cry for your parents. He instantly got closer and gave you a hug.

-7 Years Old-

You were outside on the backyard, hiding behind a tree. You peeked over and noticed Jin was covering his eyes and counting. When you heard him shout that he was now looking for you, you hid behind the tree and closed your eyes. You heard footsteps getting closer.

"Found you."

You opened your eyes and looked up at a smiling Jin. He patted your shoulder and giggled.

"Your turn", he said, running to find a hiding spot.

-10 Years Old-

You were sitting on the bench, waiting for the school bus to arrive. You looked down at your sparkly pink shoes. You begged your mother to buy you new shoes but since she's always working, she has no time.

Another pair of shoes stopped in front of you. Your eyes went up to the owner of the shoes. Jin smiled down at you, holding out a daisy for you. You sighed and looked away. He knew there was something wrong so as your best friend, it's his job to cheer you up.

He took the flower and placed it on your ear, tucking a few hairs back.

"A princess shouldn't be sad", he said, sitting down next to you.

"I hate my shoes. It makes me look like a little girl", you pouted.

"I love your shoes. Every princess deserves a shiny slipper...or shoe in your case. Don't worry, if anyone bothers you or makes fun of you, let me know and I'll take care of it. No one makes my little princess sad", he said, putting his arm around your shoulders.

"You're funny", you smiled.

-15 Years Old-

"You're going out with her? When?", you asked Jin.

"Tomorrow. I never would have thought she'd ask me out", he said.

"Yeah...she's really popular", you mumbled.

"Are you okay?", he asked.

"Why would you ask that? Of course I'm okay. I'm perfectly fine", you said.

He watched you carefully as you hugged your knees. You continued watching the movie together though he kept taking a few glances at you.

-16 Years Old-

"Jin, are you still coming over to study with me?", you asked, putting your phone against your ear.

"Ah (y/n), I'm sorry. I promised Airi to go with her to her parents house. Rain check?"

"Sure", you said.

You hung up and threw your phone to the side. You hugged your knees and rested your chin on them. That's the third time he blew off your plans to hang out with his girlfriend.

You reached over to grab one of the picture frames. The picture in it was of you and Jin on your thirteenth birthday. That day he promised he'd take care of you no matter what was in the way. Is he breaking his promise now that he has a girlfriend? Does he not need you in his life anymore?

-18 Years Old-

"(Y/n) there's obviously something wrong. Why can't you tell me???", Jin asked as he tried to catch up to you.

"There's nothing wrong so why don't you just go with your stupid girlfriend and leave me alone", you muttered, increasing the speed of your walk.

Jin grabbed your wrist to prevent you from walking any further. He can see tears in your eyes but you quickly wiped them away with your sleeves.

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