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Your week usually starts off with heading towards the café to get a cup of coffee before work. Your mittens and scarf keeping you warm as the winter air chilled the atmosphere.

"Morning (y/n), I got a hot cup of coffee with your name on it. I also threw in banana bread. On the house", Minsu, a guy who you've known for a bit over two months, smiled and gave you both items.

"Thanks but you know me. I have to pay or my conscience will be scolding every minute I see you. Plus, don't you have cameras here? Won't your boss get mad?", you asked, leaning against the counter as he stocked up on paper cups, which you have complained about before.

"The boss is my father. So no, he won't get mad. Just be glad you met someone like me. Free banana bread is not very common in these streets", he smirked.

Rolling your eyes, you thanked him and bid farewell before walking out of the café. Days like these, you wish you can just walk along the sidewalk and enjoy the fresh air, mostly because winter is one of your top favorite seasons.

"Hey (y/n)!"

Your best friend, Lua, ran behind you and linked her arm with yours, smiling widely as she's about to tell you some good news.

"Guess what? Hosung just asked me out and we're going on a date this Friday! I know we had plans but is it alright if we move girl's night to Saturday?", she asked.

"Of course. I already knew he was gonna ask you anyways", you said.

"Wait..how?", she asked.

"Because he asked me if it was alright. Why would I say no? You talk about him all the time. He seems like a good guy", you said.

Both of you crossed the street and entered the building where they work. It's always quiet. All you could hear were the clicking sound coming from the keyboards every time someone would type their story. Is it fun being an assistant for the CEO of the most known News Story Company? It's decent and it pays the bills.

"I'll see you after work", Lua waves before going into her office.

She's also an assistant but she gets more opportunities to get her work out there. Both of you have been struggling to write a story to get in the first page but you have no luck. Lua has lots of luck and you couldn't be any more proud.

Sighing, you sat in front of your desk and began to organize some files in your computer. It can be a pain, not just on her brain but on her back as well. The chairs aren't very good, condition wise. But better than sitting on the floor.

"Are you finished looking over the story of the cat with five legs? I've been waiting to publish it", one of your co workers said.

"I have and there are some suggestions I'd like to make. One- this needs to be at least three pages, not one and a half. Two- if you want this to get on the paper, it has to make sense so I have no idea how you created this picture. And three- There were a lot of grammatical errors and some parts weren't accurate to the whole idea. To tell you honestly, this won't get published", you said.

He scoffed and walked away. You can see him walking towards the boss' office, knocking angrily before getting permission to go in. Of course you know what he's doing. Another complaint being made just for being honest.

But is it your fault that other people can't do their job?

It's now after 10pm. Lua left early because of a family emergency while you had stay because you had to make up for loss of time. But then again what's the point if you always end up close to the last page.

As you walked down the empty streets, you can feel eyes on you. The pepper spray is in your coat pocket. Your mother gave it to you after the last time you had an encounter with someone who tried to mug you. He failed.

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