Suga (Pt. 2)

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It's been over two weeks since (y/n)'s recovery. While she waited for the discharge papers, Yoongi came in with a small gift. She smiled brightly and hugged him.

"I thought you weren't coming today. You told me you had something to do", she said.

"Yeah but then I realized this is more important", he smiled.

"You're not allowed to be near the patient", the nurse said as she came in with the papers.

"Well as soon as she signs the papers, she won't be a patient now will she?", Yoongi glared at the nurse.

He took the papers away from her and gave them to (y/n). She looked at him a bit confused and worried and signed the papers. He gave them to the nurse, grabbed (y/n)'s hand and walked out of the hospital.

"You know, you never really told me why you got fired", she said as they walked towards his car.

"It's not something that should be told after getting discharged from the hospital. I don't want you getting upset. You should be happy today now with a new heart", he smiled softly at her as he opened the door of the passenger side.

"Why would I be upset?", she asked, getting in.

He sighed and kneeled down in front of her. He smiled and held her hand.

"I'll tell you one day. I promise", he said.

He was about to stand up but she grabbed his hand.

"Why can't you tell me now? I won't get upset. Just tell me", she pleaded.

"Okay. I'll tell you. Let's get something to eat first", he smiled before getting into the car.

He drove towards a restaurant but instead of eating there, they headed towards his house. He explained that the conversation they'll have is private and should only be heard by the two of them.

He walked her in, leading her towards the living room. He made sure she was comfortable enough to eat.

"Are you gonna tell me now?", she asked.

He chuckled from how impatient she was getting. He sat closer to her and made sure his eyes met hers.

"Well I've known you for the past two years. I've treated you like any other patient. But what I didn't realize is that I paid more attention to you and worried more about you. There's a strict rule that doctors can't fall for their patients because if something happens, the doctors will want to be involved 24/7 and they'll be so worried that they can't focus properly and that will result in a tragedy. That day you got your new heart, I was the one working on you but I guess word got out and the chief came in to kick me out. At that moment you were bleeding and close to dying. I couldn't give up on you. But I fixed everything and you were gonna be okay. I met up with the chief after that and he fired me. He fired me because I fell for you", he said.

" me?....Are you insane??? You love that job though. You told me how much that job meant to you. Why?", she said.

"I'd rather lose that job than lose you. I've never met anyone like you. I can get another job. I can't get another you though", he said, holding her hands.

"..I may have the same feeling towards you. I mean, you're the only person who treated me differently. But what if my body rejects this heart too? What if something goes wrong? I don't want to put all that burden on you", she said.

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