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Requested by @eternalnamjoon

Hoseok and I have been married for over a year. We've known each other longer than we've been together. We have a baby boy, Junseo, who is now one years old. Whenever he spends time with him, they are like best buds. Hoseok really loves his son and would do anything for him just like he would do anything for me. If Junseo was sick, he'd drop everything he's doing and take him to the doctor.

I've been working more hours so Hoseok would stay with Junseo most of the time. When I came back from work, I caught Hoseok playing with Junseo. He was wearing bunny ears and singing to him while doing this funny dance. I couldn't help but stay behind and watch. Junseo loves every bit of it. When Hoseok made a spin, he caught a glimpse at me and stopped. I began to clap and laugh.

"That was really good. I think he wants an encore", I smirked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"An encore? I don't think so. I don't want another video of me being sent to my family", he said, kissing my cheek.

"Oh come on, that was hilarious! You were dancing in your underwear. That's pretty funny to me. And your mom told me you used to do that when you were small. I had to send it to her", I smiled, picking up Junseo from the playpen.

"Well next time you want a little show, it has to be private", he smirked, hugging me from behind.

He kissed Junseo on the cheek, causing him to giggle.

"Watch what you say. He can hear you know?", I said, walking towards the kitchen

"But he's a baby. He won't remember", he said.

"Junseo is a smart baby. He'll remember. Anyways, did he eat yet?", I asked.

"Yeah. He ate like an hour ago.  Then he spat up his food so I had to give him a bath", Hoseok said, squeezing Junseo's cheeks.

"No wonder he smells like green apple. That shampoo really works", I said.

"Told you", he stuck out his tongue, Junseo copying him.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed a banana. I chopped them up into small pieces and put them into a small plate, giving it to Junseo. 

"You know, I was thinking about something. Remember that night when we went to Italy for our honeymoon? We talked about extending our family and you said someday? When can we have that conversation again?", he asked.

"Hoseok we already have Junseo. He just turned one. And I'm working a bunch of hours right now. You have a job too. I don't think now is the right time. Maybe in a few years, okay?", I said.

He smiled and walked closer to me. He kissed me and went over to Junseo to feed him he banana.

"You're not mad?", I asked.

"Why would I be mad? You're right. I should've thought about it more clearly. Junseo is enough for right now. We're all happy. That's what matters, right?", he smiled.

Junseo began babbling and playing with his food. He threw a piece at Hoseok's face. I began to laugh. Hoseok grabbed a napkin and cleaned it off of his face.

"Good shot Junseo", I said, smirking at Hoseok.

"I think mommy needs a hug, right Junseo?", he asked, staring right at me.

My eyes widened and I ran the other way with Hoseok following. I was about to escape until he wrapped his arms around me. We both laughed and hugged each other.

"I love you so damn much", he said.

"Aww so sweet. I love myself too", I teased.

He poked my side and kissed me.

Junseo screamed. Hoseok quickly went over to him and picked him up. He kissed his cheek repeatedly, making him laugh.

"Uh oh, someone needs a diaper change", Hoseok said.

"Not me!", I said, raising my hand.

"I did it last time", he chuckled.

"Well then I guess it's your turn again", I smirked, walking away.

"I don't mind changing your diaper. Just as long as you don't aim for me again", Hoseok said to Junseo.


Hoseok was putting Junseo to bed while I was taking a shower. When I got out, I noticed he wasn't in the room when it's been like twenty minutes. Usually it doesn't take that long for Junseo to fall asleep.

I walked over to the baby's room and smiled when I saw Hoseok on the chair with Junseo in his arms. They were both asleep. I carefully carried Junseo and placed him into his own crib. Hoseok woke up and looked at me.

"This reminds me of something", he said.

"What's that?", I asked.

"The first night we brought Junseo home. You were getting frustrated because he wouldn't sleep and he'd be all fussy. But then you sang to him and he instantly fell asleep. You looked so happy, no matter how tired you were. I'm sorry I wasn't there most of the time. I wish I could've been", he said, wrapping his arms around me.

"We needed money. You volunteered to work extra hours. I'm just grateful that you've been so amazing and caring. I chose the right person to be my husband", I said.

He moved my hair out of the way and kissed my neck.

"Don't even think about it", I said.

"What? I'm not doing anything", he said, continuing to kiss my neck.

"You don't think I know your trick? You bring up a memory from the past, you make sure I get all sentimental, and then you try to seduce me", I said.

"...is it working?", he asked.

"A little but that's beside the point. I have to do the laundry", I chuckled, nudging him away.

When I finished folding clothes, I went back to the bedroom and noticed Hoseok was already asleep in the bed. I went over and admired him.

"Are you gonna stare at me all night or sleep next to me?", he asked, opening one eye.

"I don't mind staring", I said.

He chuckled and sat up to pull me over him. He tickled me, pinning my hands over my head.

"I love you", he said.

"I love you too. More than you know", I said.

He cuddle up next to me and sighed, falling asleep once again.

This girl literally makes my heart race

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This girl literally makes my heart race. Bi is so cute that I can't😭
Every time I say something to my boyfriend about her, he teases me and says stuff about Jimin like how cute his smile is or he wishes to touch his abs. Our bisexuality is what makes our relationship fun🥰

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