RM (Pt. 1)

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"Ugh, why do I have to work today?", you groaned while making your way towards your job.

Saturday's are your days off but your boss asked if you can come since one of the employees won't be in today. Even though you hate your job, you need money for basically everything.


"Hm?", you looked back and smiled as one of your friends ran up to you.

Meya has been your friend since eight grade. Someone pushed her, causing her books to fall on the ground. You were the only one who helped her. Since then, you became great friends.

"Sorry, no service. I'm paying my phone later today", you answered.

"Ah, mind if I walk with you?", she asked.

"Not at all", you smiled and continued to walk with her by your side.

The whole ten minutes of walking, both of you talked
about what you did over the week. Of course you lied because you didn't want to sound like a boring old fart. All you did was work and sleep, that's it.

"What time do you get out today?", she asked.

"I close today so around 10pm. I hate it. Anyways I gotta go. I'll text you when I'm out", you waved bye and walked into the flower shop.

As you walked to the back room, you bumped into your friend and coworker.

"Ah, I'm sorry Namjoon. Busy morning?", you asked, placing your things in your locker.

"Not really. I'm surprised though because it's usually busy on Saturdays. Anyways, they had you come in today? Must be fun for you", he said, leaning against the wall.

You huffed out a breath, putting your hair in a ponytail. He tilted his head and admired the way your hair complimented the features on your face, especially your eyes. His eyes then went down to your arm and noticed a bruise.

"What happened there?", he asked.

You quickly averted your eyes and awkwardly laughed.

"It's dumb. I can be very clumsy", you closed your locker before putting on the green apron.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked if it's too personal-"

"Oh no! It's not that. It's just...really embarrassing. I promise you it's nothing serious", you softly smiled before walking passed him.

You didn't wanna tell him the real reason. It really is embarrassing. Your foot got caught on your jeans and as you tried to put them on, you pulled too hard and ended up hitting your arm against the door knob of your room. You screamed like a damn goat on crack.

You were organizing a bouquet of flowers for a man who requested it for his anniversary. You were a perfectionist so every detail has to be exactly the way the man requested it. But as soon as the man saw the bouquet, he spat some nasty words because apparently he didn't ask for daisies even though he was never specific about it.

"I-I'm sorry sir. I can make another one-"

"There's no time! How can you be so stupid and-"

"Sir, I advise you to leave this store immediately", Namjoon stood behind you as he heard the commotion from the back room.

"I want a refund", the man demanded.

"I'll get that right for you", Namjoon walked towards the cash register to take out money.

"You should be ashamed of yourself, calling yourself a hardworking employee. I don't even know why you were hired if you're not gonna do your job right. I should speak to your manager to have you fired-"

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