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Requested by @SweggyYoongles

You, your brother and his friend are like peas in a pod. You two have known Jimin since you were little so all three of you are close. Since they were the same age, they graduated from high school first. You were a year younger.

Recently you've been hanging out more with Jimin ever since Jungkook has been busy with his job. He would sometimes come over to your house and keep you company even when Jungkook arrives. They're always curious to know what you write in your journal but you keep it a secret from them, mostly because what you usually write about is how you feel about Jimin.

One night Jimin couldn't go over to your house since he had to take care of something so you were alone in your bedroom writing in your journal, all while keeping a smile on your face as you imagined what it would be like if you were with Jimin. A knock startled you so you quickly hid your journal under your pillow. Jungkook entered your room and handed you a bag of food before sitting down next to you.

"Thanks", you said.

"What have you been doing all day?", he asked.

"Nothing. Neither you nor a Jimin were available to hang out with me and mom keeps nagging me about finding someone to marry and it's getting on my nerves", you huffed put a breath.

"Don't worry. She was like that with me but then she stopped after I graduated. So you have about seven months until she stops", he joked.

You groaned and turned over on your back, covering your face with your arm.

"I have something that might cheer you up", he said, the corner of his mouth rising.

"New shoes??", you asked, looking at him.

"No. Something better", he smirked.

"What?? What is it??", you asked, shaking his arm so he could tell you.

"Go check in the living room", he chuckled.

You ran towards the living room, giggling as you got more excited. Jungkook stayed in your room, waiting for you to come back. He looked around and noticed something sticking out from under your pillow. He grabbed it and realized it was your journal. He knew he shouldn't look inside but he's been curious to know what you've been writing.

When he opened the small journal to the last page you wrote on, he read every word. He was surprised when he found out you had feelings for Jimin. Now that he thought about, it made more sense. He closed the journal and placed it back under your pillow as you walked towards the hallway and into your room.

"I can't believe you bought me the bag I've always wanted! Thank you thank you thank you!", you smiled happily as you hugged him.

He chuckled and hugged you back. He watched as you admired the bag and tried it on. Then he thought about how lonely you get whenever he leaves for work. It wouldn't be a bad idea if his best friend and sister got together. But knowing how shy you are when expressing your feelings, you were gonna need some help.

"Why are you smiling like a creep?", you asked him.

"Huh?..oh nothing", he smirked once again.


A few days later, you, Jungkook and Jimin decided to hang out at your house. There were movies going on all day on a specific channel you usually watch so Jungkook turned off the lights while you grabbed some popcorn. You were about to sit down on one of the living chairs but Jungkook lightly pushed you away and sat down.

"I wanna sit here", he said.

You rolled your eyes and sat down next to Jimin on the couch. You placed the popcorn between you two and all of you watched the movie, or so you thought. Jungkook kept looking at the both of you, planning on what to do.

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