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Requested by @Ray—Ray

You watched as your boyfriend was putting on his shoes. You wondered where he was going. This is the fifth time going at late at night.

"When will you be home?", you asked.

He didn't say anything. He stood up from the couch and headed towards the kitchen to grab his car keys.

"You can't keep ignoring me", you said.

Not one word or glance. He just went out the door.

The day before you had an argument about him coming home late. He would usually tell you everything but lately he's been very distant.

You decided to shake it off for a bit before cleaning the house. You had a lot of errands to do that you wished Namjoon would've done with you.

You finished around five and thought you'd take Namjoon some dinner. You stopped by the burger place that he loves going to and bought the combo. Your heels made clacking sounds as you walked down the hall while carrying his food.

"Ah Tae, have you seen Namjoon? I brought him food", you said, showing him the bag.

"Aw, none for me? Noona doesn't love me", he pouted cutely as he made a puppy face.

"Sorry, I didn't know I'd be seeing you. So, where is he?", you asked.

"He's in the studio", he said.

You smiled and headed down the hall. The door was slightly open, causing you to hear a few voices. You peeled inside and saw a girl talking to Namjoon. They were laughing.

"You have a amazing voice. I'm gonna see what I can do so the music and your voice can go well together", Namjoon said, causing a smile to form on her face.

"Great! Um...you know...you must be exhausted from working all day. Do you wanna go eat something after we're finished?", she asked.

"Um sure. I'd like that", he smiled.

You bit your lip and turned around, heading for the exit.

"Hey, did you find hi-", Taehyung couldn't finish his sentence as you gave him the bag of food.

You pushed the door open and hugged yourself as you tried to hold it together. You curled down and began to cry. He'd been leaving you alone just to hang out with another girl...another he might have feelings for. He hasn't smiled at you in a long time. This is your fault.

You wiped away the tears with your sleeves and walked back home. It was already dark out. Luckily you lived near busy streets. You looked up at the stars and remembered when Namjoon said he named one after you.


You looked back and noticed Namjoon running towards you. You turned the other direction and began walking.

"(Y/n) Wait!", Namjoon grabbed you by the wrist and turned you around.

"What?? What do you want??", you asked, annoyed.

"What the hell is going on with you?? I called you  back there. And didn't you say you were dropping by? You never showed", he said.

"Why do you need me there?? Don't you have that girl to keep you company?? Obviously she's more interesting than me since you're going to dinner with her", you said, pushing his hand away.

"You have no idea what you're talking about", he said.

"Oh really? Do you know how long it's been since we went out on a date? Too long if you have to think about it. We wouldn't be having this problem if you hadn't been coming home late!", you raised your voice, other people staring at you.

"Here we go again. Didn't I already explain to you that I work late?? What part of that don't you understand?", he said.

"What I don't understand is why you agreed to go eat with her and not with me when I've been asking you to spend some time with me?? You remember me right?? Your girlfriend!", you yelled.

"Cleaning the whole house doesn't count! And I told you I'd spend time with you when my schedule cools down. Why aren't you ever patient??", he asked.

"Because I miss you! I miss my boyfriend. It's like you don't care about how I feel", you said, tearing up.

He sighed and wrapped his arms around you. You tried pushing him away but his grip was strong. You eventually gave up and wrap your arms around him.

"You know if I had a choice to spend time with you, I would but right now my schedule is crazy. And that girl you saw me with, she's the one I'm collaborating with. She was only being nice. Anyways, I was gonna tell her next time we could but she'll be leaving soon. I'm sorry if I've been making you feel lonely. It's kinda stressing, with this project. But soon everything will be back to normal. I promise", he said, kissing the top of your head.

"You promised last time too", you mumbled onto his chest.

"This time I mean it. Back then I was really trying at all. I was just tired. But I will try this time. Because you mean a lot to me. And I'm not just saying that", he said.

He placed a finger under your chin and lifted up so he could look at you.

"I love you", he said.

You pouted and began to cry again. He chuckled, rubbing your back as strangers passing by gave the both of you weird looks.

"Okay, I wish I can go home with you but I still have to work on the track. Do you wanna come with me? So you won't be alone", he said.

"Really? You've never asked me that before. I thought it was because people who don't work there aren't allowed to stay for a long time", you said.

"It won't be a problem. Come on", he smiled, taking your hand in his.

That night, you watched him put together the track. You never knew how frustrating it is for him. Guess you should think twice about asking why he gets home late. Now you really understood the importance of his job.

Good News! I will be starting a Stray Kids Imagines book soon. I'm still getting to know the group so I apologize if the writing is rusty.

Anyways, imma be going to Koreatown for the first time tomorrow with my boyfriend. Anybody know what spots I should visit?

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