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Requested by jm_jhy

You've been walking around trying to look for a job but had no luck. You moved to Seoul to start a new life. You had to move into a hotel for the first few days but ended up renting out a room. You didn't mind sharing an apartment with someone but this roommate is a guy.

You were never really close with him. All you know about is that he drinks A LOT. You wanted to talk to him about it but as long as he drinks at the house and not anywhere else where he can cause trouble, it's not hurting anyone.

Every time you got home from your classes, you'd find him past out on the couch, empty alcohol bottles surrounding him. You would always clean after him, you didn't mind.

One night you woke up from a loud bang coming from the living room. You peeked from your door and noticed him going towards his room but kept bumping into furniture. He was cursing out loud and felt like he was gonna hurt himself so you quickly walked towards him and helped him to his room only to be pushed by him.

"I don't need your help", he muttered, slamming his bedroom door after walking in.

You stood up and brushed off dust from your butt.

"What's his problem?", you asked yourself.

You went back to your room and hoped you can go back to sleep without having him make any noise.

The next few days Jimin would come home late, causing a lot of racket. He ended up tripping and hitting his head. You quickly ran towards him and offered him your help but he pushed you away and very rough this time.

"Didn't I tell you before that I don't need your help? You're no one to me. You're just a roommate. Mind your own business", he muttered before storming off into his room.

You sighed and sat down on the couch, noticing a bruise on your leg. After waiting a few minutes, you peeked into his room and nodded when he was sleeping on his bed. You went back to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water along with some painkillers. You tip toed into his room and placed it on his drawer. He may be a stranger but your father always taught you to treat others with respect even if they don't respect you. You went back to your room and fell asleep about an hour later.

A week has passed. You've been observing Jimin quite often now. You clean up after him and always leave water and painkillers every time he gets home drunk. You worried for him.

It was Christmas time. You had no plans to go anywhere and took the advantage to get Jimin something. It wasn't anything big. It's just a small sculpture. You put a small red bow on it and placed it on his drawer.

"What are you doing?", he asked, entering his room.

"Oh um...I got you something for Christmas. It's just..it's nothing really", you smiled.

"Get out of my room", he said.

The smell of alcohol coming from his breath made you a bit light headed. You can he'd been drinking. Also, he was holding a half empty bottle of alcohol in his hand.

"You know, maybe you should stop drinking. It's not good for you", you said.

"Whatever", he muttered, passing by you.

He laid down on his bed and sighed as he stared up at the ceiling. You didn't move from your spot. He was getting annoyed that you didn't leave him in his own space.

"Get out", he said.

"No because if I do, you're gonna keep drinking-"

"So what if I keep drinking?? You don't know me at all. So why do you care??", he asked, becoming irritated.

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