Jimin (Pt. 1)

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"Jimin is the most beautiful person I've ever met..besides you." - my fiancé

It has been 90 days since the virus spread. You've been separated from your friends for almost a week. Rumor has it that they're in a place where they barricade those who aren't infected. Namjoon is the one who's in charge of making sure everyone is protected, along with Jungkook by his side.

Now as for you, your house is your only protection. Although your brother has been taking care of the infected ones who try to get in. He's very experienced since he used to box a lot a few years back. You felt safe...until he got bit.

The virus was spreading quickly so you knew you had to go to the safe house so he can get help. It took a few hours but eventually you got there. Your brother's skin had already turned into a different color and he was having trouble breathing.

Once the both of you entered the safe house, Jungkook quickly pulled you away while Namjoon pointed a gun at your brother.

"Wait! Please don't shoot! He just needs antibiotics", you said, not having a clue if it was true but you had to stall.

"There's no cure (y/n)", Jungkook told you as he held onto your arms, preventing you from charging at him.

"Namjoon...please..he's still my brother. You can't shoot him. I won't forgive you if you do", you pleaded, tears in your eyes as you were close to crying.

"Call Jimin. Tell him to take her with the others", Namjoon ordered Jungkook, not taking his eyes off of who's in front of him.

Jungkook grabbed his walkie talkie and called Jimin. You kept begging Namjoon to put the gun down but he wouldn't listen. Of course he won't pull the trigger in front of you. That's the last thing he wants, to traumatize you even more by shooting your brother while you watched.

When Jimin arrived, Jungkook made sure he had a good grip on you so you wouldn't escape. He carefully pulled her away with her struggling to free herself.

"(Y/n), it'll be easier if you stopped resisting", Jimin said.

He was about to open the door to enter the safe house but you had escaped his grip. He was quick enough to grab your wrist though.

"Jimin, please let go. I can't let them shoot my brother. I know there can be a cure", you said.


You were both startled by a scream. Jimin ran inside the safe house and noticed more than a few infected ones had made it inside. They were attacking everyone.

"There's no time. Come on", he grabbed your hand and pulled you back towards the small shed where Namjoon and Jungkook were.

"Some made it inside", Jimin informed them.

While Namjoon looked away, your brother charged forward and attacked him. There were gunshots going on everywhere, one which scraped your arm. Jungkook shot him a few times but he didn't go down. Jimin wasn't risking it. He pulled you away, running towards somewhere safe, but honestly there are no more options for that. You had to hold onto your arm since it was bleeding but that only attracted more of the infected ones.

Once he was far, he spotted a small hallway where they could hide. He pushed her up against the wall and covered her mouth, telling her to be quiet since there was one roaming near the entrance of the hallway. It was getting closer to the both of you. You closed your eyes as you heard the noises they make. It terrified you even more. Jimin's hand was on his gun, making sure he was prepared just in case.

Your eyes landed on his. Now is not the time to be daydreaming. But who can really help it when someone as handsome as Jimin is standing a few inches away from you?

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