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*Warning: Contains content such as suicide and self harm. May be triggering for some readers*

If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't know where I'd be right now. The moment he found me crouching outside in the middle of the night, crying while small amount of blood stained the side walk, I felt somewhat safe. He took care of me, cleaned up my wounds, and promised to make me happy. But what lead to that? From being broken hearted by a guy I've dated for three years. It's quite stupid, or that's what some may think. They'll say, "A person is not worth taking your own life."

Have they experienced that kind of heart break though? It feels like being stabbed over and over again. Trusting someone right away is risking a lot.

"Come down. I have something for you."

"What is it? A dog?", I asked, fixing the phone next to my ear.

"No. Just come down. I'm waiting outside."

I raised an eyebrow and looked out the window, spotting Jin leaning against his car while waving. I quickly hung up and went over to my closet to put on a hoodie. It's actually Jin's. He let me borrow it the day he found me outside and now he doesn't want to take it back because he wants me to keep it.

I pushed the gate open and smiled at Jin who twirled his keys on his fingers.

"You know what time it is? It's almost 11pm. What are you doing here?", I asked.

He put his hand in his pocket and took out something. Gently grabbing my hand, he carefully pushed my sleeve up so he wouldn't hurt my scars and tied something around my wrist before letting go.

It's a small charm bracelet.

My eyes went wide. It has a little charm with two people hugging.

"You can add more charms if you want", he said.

"But....what's this for though?" I asked, eyeing the little charm.

He shrugged his shoulders and noticed the hoodie I'm wearing. He reached over and grabbed the hoodie, putting it on my head before pulling on the two strings to make it smaller.

"It's cold and you're wearing shorts? Pumpkin, you're gonna get sick", he said, wrapping his arms around me.

Even though his face expressions are very cold, he's the sweetest and most caring person in the world. Am I used to it? No. It always catches me by surprise.

I looked up at him and rested my chin on his chest before smiling, "and you're so warm. You're like the sun. Or a burning stove."

He raised an eyebrow and slightly chuckled, "you're comparing me to a stove?"

"You compare me to a pumpkin", I said.

"I don't compare you to a pumpkin. I call you pumpkin because that's what I think of every time I see your face. It's cute. I want to squeeze your cheeks", he said while doing so, causing me to slap his hands away.

"Want me to break your bones? I may be short and chubby but I can do it", I huffed out while pouting.

He ruffled up my hair before holding my hands, turning them around to check my wrists. It's become a daily thing for him. He notices a few fresh cuts which does not put a smile on his face. But mentioning it will only embarrass me so instead he brings my hands up to his face and softly kisses each one.

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