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He ruled the school. Not just because of his bad boy looks but because he has all the connections. He's lucky he hasn't been caught. Or maybe the older people are terrified of what he could do. Because once someone rats him out, they end up disappearing the next day. And they can't arrest him if there is no proof.

(Y/n) is a very smart and innocent girl. She has straight A's, joined three extra curricular activities and is school president. Though she seems very petite, she is a black belt and can destroy people three times her size. She never lets anyone talk down to her because she knows she tries hard to succeed. But she doesn't talk down to other people no matter how rude and obnoxious they are.

She was on her way to school, smiling as people passed by her. When she was close to the entrance of the school, she spotted two young men exchanging something. She got closer and gasped as she realized what they exchanged. She wasn't having it so she fixed her small bag and marched her way towards them.

"Excuse me, do you know it is illegal to sell narcotics, especially a few feet away from a private school?", she asked, staring down at the guy who stayed put.

"So? Who are you? The police?", he laughed mockingly.

"No but I can call them if you want", she said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Why the hell do you care? It's none of your business anyways", he snarled, walking past her.

She kept an eye on him and raised an eyebrow when she saw him entering the school. She ran after him.

"What the hell are you doing?? You can't sell drugs in a scho-", her mouth was covered by his hand.

"For your information, I don't sell anything in this school. Plus, I go here", he said.

He moved his hand and continued walking.

"Ah so that's why you look familiar. You're Jung Hoseok. You're the second lowest in your grade and you go here because your parents are super rich and they think that going here will change your act but apparently that isn't getting you anywhe- oof!", you bumped into his back after he stopped walking.

"Don't you have cheer leading or whatever?", he said.

"No. I find that very stereotypical and sexist. You think that just because I'm a girl I wear skirts and dresses and have sleepovers and do what other girly girls do? You know guys can join cheerleading as well right? Not just girls. Anyways, you should stop this whole drug dealing thing that you're doing", she said.

"Or what? You're gonna give me detention?", he laughed mockingly before continuing to walk but before he can take a step, a white slip was held right in front of him.

"There's more where that came from", she said.

He grabbed the slip and rolled his eyes.

"And remember, there's no such thing as a bad Hoseok. Just the drugs", she smiled before walking away.

He crumpled up the paper and threw it to the ground, continuing to walk.


When school was over, (y/n) glanced over at the class where detention was taken place and realized Hoseok wasn't inside.

"I knew it", she said.

She walked outside of the school and checked left and right. She spotted him and followed where he was going. She kept following until he met with a guy. She squinted to see what he was up to and gasped when she saw he was exchanging drugs for money once again. She marched her way towards him.

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