Suga (Pt. 1)

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Requested by @Eveyye

Yoongi has been a doctor for about five years already. There have been no problems fortunately. He loves his job and wouldn't give it up for anything. He loves helping people but sometimes thugs don't go they way he wants it to. He has lost a few patients before but that doesn't stop him from losing hope.

One of his patients checked in a few days ago due to her heart rejecting her body. He's known her since she checked in two years ago to get a new heart. Sadly, the heart that's been donated to her is failing.

"Good morning (y/n). How'd you sleep?", he asked as he stepped into the hospital room.

"Like a dead body in the morgue", she said.

"Come on, don't joke about that. We are gonna find you a heart and it will work this time. You know why?", he asked.

She raised her eyebrows, motioning him to continue.

"Because I'm gonna find you the strongest heart out there. I don't give up. Are you gonna give up?", he asked.

"I'm not the only one who needs a heart you know? What if someone else needs it? Someone who's worse than me? Will there be another strong heart out there? I don't think so", she said, sighing and looking away.

"Then I'll find another heart. I won't stop until you're healthy and ready on your feet. Everyone deserves a chance. Yours just hasn't happened yet. Don't give up", he said.

"See, this is why this is my favorite hospital. You're always so positive even when things are crap", she chuckled.

"Well someone's gotta pick up the crap", he joked.

She smiled and turned towards her bag. She took out a book and opened it to a page where there is a drawing. He was quite surprised and shocked.

"You drew me?", he asked, kneeling down to get a better look.

"Well there's nothing else that's interesting to draw in this room. It's the same thing everyday", she said.

"You see me everyday. Don't I get less interesting?", he asked.

"No because you move, you talk, and you sneak in my favorite snacks. I'd probably be dead already if I didn't see you everyday", she said, slightly blushing.

He smiled and took out a small packet from his pocket. It was the chocolate cookies that she likes eating. He placed it right on her hand and pat it a few times before exiting the room.

She sighed and stared at the cookies for a few seconds. She opened her book and began to draw.


Yoongi was standing right outside her room, checking the schedule. He checked each patient but stayed out on the same spot. Every minute or so he'll glance at her room and then look away.

"You know you can get in trouble right?", one of his coworkers asked.

"What are you talking about?", Yoongi asked.

"You're not supposed to fall for your patients. You can get fired", the coworker said

"I'm taking care of her just like I do to any patient I get. Is that a crime? No", he said, continuing to fill in papers.

"You known you can be held responsible if something happens to her. You can't get close to her. Treat her like she's your patient. I will inform the chief if I see something suspicious", the coworker said before walking away.


A few days later, Yoongi walked into her room to give her some good news. He was excited to tell her but she was asleep. He was going to walk out but something caught his attention. He walked closer to her and softly smiled as he pushed a few strands of hair behind her ear. His eyes went over to her book and noticed it opened. He admired the drawing she drew of him. He kept thinking she is so talented, it would be a waste if she didn't turn that into a career. He placed her book back next to her which causes her eyes to slightly open. Once she saw him, she smiled.

"Hey, how are you feeling?", he asked.

"Exhausted", she said.

"Hmm..well I have some good news for you. We found a heart. It's perfectly healthy. I scheduled you for surgery in a few hours. Are you excited?", he asked.

"Really?? You're not joking?", she asked.

"Why would I joke about something like this? Of course I'm serious. We'll get you prepped and ready", he smiled.

"Thank you. Thank you so much!", she sat up and hugged him.

He was quite surprised from her action but he just smiled and hugged her back. Little did he know there was a rat looking over his shoulder.


Yoongi was already working on her. He made sure every stitch was perfect. Everything was going fine until the chief entered.

"Doctor, I want you to stop what you're doing and let your coworker step in", he said.

He didn't. He kept working on her. A few seconds later, the machine starting beeping and she began to bleed. He quickly tried fixing everything to get it under control.

"I'm not gonna say it again. Step out or you will face consequences", the chief said.

Yoongi didn't stop. He wanted to keep working so she can survive. After a while, he got the bleeding under control and her heart rate was normal. He sighed and closed up before they took her to recovery.


(Y/n) was back in her room, recovering from surgery. Yoongi was sitting on a chair close to the bed. She opened  her eyes and blinked repeatedly before turning her head. Yoongi smiled and grabbed her hand.

"Did it work?", she asked.

"Yeah, it worked. Now we gotta have faith that it'll stay that way", he smiled.

She smiled back and noticed he wasn't wearing his doctor's coat.

"Are you off or something?", she asked.

"Uh...Yeah. Something like that. Anyways, you'll be here for about a week and if everything is alright then you can be discharged", he said.

"Okay", she said.

He stood up to walk away but she grabbed his wrist. He turned back around to look at her.

"Is something wrong?", he asked.

" you think that maybe if when I get discharged, you want to go out to dinner or something? Y-You don't have to say yes..", she mumbled.

He smiled and kneeled down, holding her hand.

"I'd like that", he said, kissing her hand.

Happy New Years everyone! I hope more positive things will come this year for you.

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