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There were sirens. (Y/n) looked around, trying to fix her vision. Everything is a blur. Even the voices sound so far away.

She turned, trying to look for something familiar. Then she spotted him.


No response.


(Y/n) woke up, being startled from her dream. Again, sweat drenched her forehead and pillow. It's as if she ran the mile, or two. Her phone ringing seconds after.

"Ugh, I'm late", she groaned, rubbing her eyes.

"Hey, what did I miss?", (y/n) asked her friend, Lia, as she slipped into music class.

"The announcement for an audition this week. Apparently it's for some big event. You're doing it, right?", she asked.

"Of course", (y/n) smiled, remembering the promise she made to her father.

Lia is lucky she doesn't even need to try. She's the most popular girl in school because of her looks and talent when it comes to singing. They've been best friends for years.

"Oh, Jimin's looking for you", Lia said.

"For what?", (y/n) asked.

"I'm not sure. He said he needed to ask you something", Lia said.

(Y/n) pressed her lips together, tapping her hands on her lap. The last time they talked, Jimin kept acting weird. He's more...smiley and touchy.

"You're lucky Jimin likes you. He's really cute", Lia nudged her.

"He doesn't like me. What kind of guy like him would like someone like me?", (y/n) asked, more to herself.

"Stop talking like that. Any guy would be lucky to be with you. As for me, I want someone who's real. Not someone who makes stuff up just to impress me", Lia said.

"Jungkook likes you", (y/n) smirked and nudged her teasingly.

"No. You're insane. Just focus on your work", she flicked her forehead.


Jimin ran towards (y/n) as she turned around, a big smile on his face. Lia kept walking to give them some time.

"Where are you going?", he asked.

"Home. I only had music class today, luckily. Though I was late. Why? What's up?", she asked.

"Let's go to the park and hang out a bit", he said.

"Why?", she raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I was thinking....we know each other but we don't know each other. I wanna get to know you more", he said.

"Again, why?", she asked.

His smile disappeared and stared right into her eyes, making her feel nervous.

"I ask myself that too. It's hard to explain. But it's a good thing, I think", he smiled again.

Looking elsewhere, she thought about what Lia said. If Jimin does like her, why would she push away? So instead she nodded and smiled.

On the way to the park, he would nudge her or poke her side or even put his arm around her which she didn't mind because he would always do that. At first, it was weird for her but she got used to it.

When they arrived, they sat down on the swings since there were hardly any people around. They sat there quiet for at least three minutes until she heard him chuckling.

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