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Requested by Ray—Ray

"So she's your new assistant?", you asked, glancing at the girl who was talking to the manager.

"Yeah, I met her a few weeks ago and she told me she was looking for a job so I thought getting her a job here would be a bit helpful", Hoseok said.

You noticed how professionally dressed she looked. She's not that bad looking. Hoseok has mentioned her a few times so you were curious about how she was like but now that you know, you were a bit bummed out.

"Oh babe, do you think you can get me a bottled water. I finished the other one", he said, handing you money.

"Okay", you said, heading towards the vending machine.

After getting the water for Hoseok, you thought about whether he'll be distracted. You peeked through the door and noticed them talking.

"What are you doing?"

You jumped as you were startled by Jungkook. You turned around and met eyes with him and Taehyung.

"Nothing. Just getting water for Hoseok", you laughed awkwardly.

Taehyung looked over at Jungkook and then back at you.

"Noona's jealous", he giggled.

"I am not. And why are you guys late? Namjoon has been wondering where you guys were", you said, trying to change the topic.

"Jungkook got hungry. He wanted a bagel", Taehyung said casually and walked inside the practice room.

You looked back at Jungkook, him shrugging his shoulders as he passed by you. You followed him and gave Hoseok the water bottle.

"Thanks. (Y/n) this is Arin, Arin this is my girlfriend", Hoseok introduced you to his assistant.

"Nice to meet you. I've heard so much about you", she smiled and shook your hand.

She's not that bad. You smiled and tucked a few strands of hair behind your ear.

"Hoseok, where are we gonna go for lunch?", you asked.

"Oh actually, I have to stay here. Arin has a few ideas for the meeting we're gonna have next week. She said she can help us. Do you mind if we just have dinner at home?", he asked.

"Um, sure. I guess it's no problem", you forced a smile and sat down on the benches as you watched them practice.

You smiled every time Hoseok winked at you. He always finds a way to make you smile, even if it's something small. From the corner of your eye, you can see Arin taking notes while watching them. She can feel someone staring at her so when she turned to you, she smiled and waved. You looked down at your lap and decided to wait for Hoseok at home.


A week has passed since the boys got a new assistant. Hoseok hardly spends any time with you because of her. Apparently she knows a bit about music so she gives them a few pointers. Lately Hoseok has been canceling our plans in order for them to get things ready for their meeting. You were fine with it but Arin has been acting weird when you were around him. She would look away or even say something to get Hoseok's attention. It always works.

When the meeting was over, you decided to take Hoseok a gift basket to praise his good work. You picked out all the things he likes and placed them in the basket, tying it with a big red bow.

You made sure you had your cellphone and texted Hoseok saying that you were going. You walked as fast as you could because you couldn't wait to finally spend time with him alone.

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